Hey, here is one way to get more voter support
(06-26-2012, 06:40 AM)kandrathe Wrote:
(06-26-2012, 12:52 AM)Jester Wrote: Not that gray. His family in the United States asked the courts for asylum. It was not granted. They appealed. It was rejected. They defied the order. The authorities insisted, and tried to negotiate. They rejected that too.
You omitted the parts where Elian's Miami relatives attempted to negotiate with the Justice Department and Elian's biological father.

The justice department enforces the law, it doesn't decide it. They can accomodate the way the outcome is reached, but it is unconstitutional for them to override the courts' decision.

Quote:There was no due process, and justice was thwarted. Elian never had a single Asylum hearing.

What do you mean, no due process? He was a minor. He is the ward of his parents, unless there is some reason to presume otherwise. The Miami relatives had their day in court to gain that authority, and they were rejected. They appealed, and the Supremes refused to hear the case. That's due process.

Quote:They were uncooperative. They didn't want this boy to get sent back to Cuba. How odd.

Uncooperative? They threatened US officials with armed violence. They started a riot. That's a good few steps above uncooperative!

Quote:And, again I would ask, how did Elian's father, a poor Cuban, get such a prominent and powerful Democrat as his lawyer?


But, Greg Craig did get the Justice department to grant Asylum in the US for two Bolivians who are charged with crimes against humanity and extrajudicial killings, Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada and Carlos Sánchez Berzaín.

Does it disturb your geopolitical conspiracy theory at all, that it was Evo Morales, committed socialist and Castro's 2nd closest ally, who demanded their extradition? That the killings they were to be extradited for were against left wing, rather than right wing protesters?

Greg Craig's profession is not "democrat." He's a laywer. I'm pretty sure if someone ponies up his fee, he's available for hire. It wouldn't surprise me if the Cuban government, through one channel or another, paid his bills. Or maybe just some of the million or so people sick of the Miami Exiles and their stunts.


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RE: Hey, here is one way to get more voter support - by Jester - 06-26-2012, 09:49 AM

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