Hey, here is one way to get more voter support
First off, I'm not really a 'sky is falling' or tin-foil hat type of guy. That being said:
Right now, the politics in the US is pretty bad. The two parties only really consist of "do whatever is opposite of my opponents." That, coupled with the rhetoric that both voter bases tend to buy into, has left us in a state of political civil-war (Example #1: Wisconsin).

Seeing a good idea by one party is immediately shot down by the other party, means that we will never get anything done. This has also led to an immense power-grab by the Executive branch over the last 10+ years. Bush and Obama ran of immensely different platforms, and visions for America, but their administrations as POTUS really haven't been that different.

Budget deals are always going to be hard, but I'm suprised that no one is talking about the recent developments:
In April, Pakistan voted and told the US, "No more drone strikes in Pakistan".
A couple weeks ago, we *suprise* killed a terrorist in Pakistan, using a Drone strike. Pakistan no longer wants us to send supplies through their territories, so it now costs an extra $100M / month to send supplies to Afghanistan.

I wish we had a slightly more functional Congress, that would at least try to agree on something.

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RE: Hey, here is one way to get more voter support - by RiotInferno - 06-18-2012, 04:37 PM

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