Hey, here is one way to get more voter support
(06-15-2012, 03:48 PM)Ashock Wrote: This country was build on LEGAL immigrants, you know.... those that were not breaking laws as soon as they entered it.

Something like 70% of all the immigrants in the 1800's would have been illegal by today's laws. There simply weren't many laws against it earlier on because we were trying to grow the country by any means. Most of the law breaking at that time was by the citizens of the US exploiting immigrants (see treatment of Chinese and Irish if you don't want to consider slavery which was still practiced illegally in many states that had outlawed it prior to the civil war). Many of the early immigrants were breaking laws by coming here too, not US law perhaps, but laws of the countries they left. Legally they shouldn't have been here unless you feel the law of the US is the only law that should matter.

Laws against immigration didn't really start getting pushed until the 1850's and not surprisingly the cry was mostly "Dey took R Jooobs!" as it is now. Nevermind the high percentage of illegals who pay taxes.

Also while I'm not a huge fan of the expansion of the use of executive orders and other means that are legally granted to the President and feel something should be done. What Obama did didn't break any laws, he can give amnesty and so can Congress if it wishes. I think you would have a better argument about how Bush continued the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as bigger illegal actions as the power to declare war is still only reserved for Congress, and while it was made legal for a president to deploy troops there is a limit for how long they can stay deployed without Congressional approval. That approval did not happen as it should have.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.

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RE: Hey, here is one way to get more voter support - by Kevin - 06-15-2012, 07:05 PM

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