Question: Hell difficulty equipment...
Thanks for the detailed post.
I spent most of my levels from the 40s-60 running Multishot ( Suppression Fire ) / Preperation ( Punishment ), but that all changed when i got Nether Tendrils.

I'm thinking of going back to MS, as it fires faster then NT, and I don't know if the life link helps me that much ( I know speaking against NT or SS as a DH is heresy )

How often does Brooding work for you? 1% doesn't seem like much, and I always seem to get tagged by something in Inferno, and if doesn't kill me, I can usually grab a health globe.

The build looks interesting! I might have to give bolas a try again at some point.

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RE: Question: Hell difficulty equipment... - by RiotInferno - 06-08-2012, 04:31 PM

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