07-17-2003, 10:59 PM
Quote:Other player experiences may even classify my hopes as being pessimistic.
I would. Untwinked, I think you can do better than +2 all skills with +2-3 in specific trees. Wormskull, +1 or +2 necro skills amulets, and heads are common enough as well. "Lore":Ort+Sol is doable, "White": Dol+Io in a good two socketed wand is not unreasonable to find in hell with enough play.
My untwinked realm necro carried a +1 necro skills rare head into Hell dificulty, and then finally found a +2 necro skills head with useful secondary affixes. He has a wormskull (+1), +2 necro skills amulet, a "White" bone wand (+2 all, +3P&B), and an etheral Torch of Iro (+1) as his weapon switch. So he is +4 or +5 all skills and with nothing very exceptional.