05-07-2012, 04:33 PM
I'm still really undecided about what my first character will be. My favourite Diablo class was Sorcerer (though let's be fair, sorcs were overpowered in Diablo), but I never got on with ranged characters at all in Diablo II; I preferred dual-wield barbs and werewolf druids, even experimented a bit with a spearazon. Then came Torchlight and the only class of the three I found to be interesting in any meaningful way was the Destroyer.
I'm thinking a Barbarian or Monk, but I'm also drawn to Demon Hunter and Wizard. Gah, not sure what to do...
I'm thinking a Barbarian or Monk, but I'm also drawn to Demon Hunter and Wizard. Gah, not sure what to do...