(05-01-2012, 07:05 PM)kandrathe Wrote: In the Blizzards game worlds we are forced to focus on getting the gear ( a nefarious feeder bar version of Monty Haul).
This actually makes sense from a game design point of view. No one will carry on playing a game just so they can punch a monster's head off slightly more effectively than they did the level before, but they will do so just to get shiny new weapons and armour. I guess as Lurkers you're a little different.
I was asked by a fellow player why I was running LFR Dragon Soul during a particularly bad Fall of Deathwing run (Not the worst I've ever run, but still...). I didn't need the gear even though I can still bag a few upgrades if they dropped, and the gold/VP payoff was a nice bonus but not entirely necessary. I was running "boring old Madness" because I still actually enjoy the encounter.
I guess it's the Lurker's way that you're more than happy to run the maze while everyone else is focused on the cheese.