I'm confused about the American Republican party
(04-02-2012, 06:53 PM)AngryCommie Wrote: Complete and total free speech also allowed this guy right here to get into power, and it didn't take long for his words to become reality. And we all know the result of that. Sadly, we still have scumbags that think this POS was a hero.


Unnecessary Godwin - 10 yard penalty, repeat second down. (side note: THIS is the best you could come up with to try make me mad? For Godwin's sake man, STEP UP TO THE PLATE)

(04-02-2012, 06:53 PM)AngryCommie Wrote: You have the freedom to drive a car, so long as you are of proper age and have license/registration. If you get enough DUI's, you revoke your right/freedom to drive for at least a certain amount of time, because you were irresponsible.

Sorry but no - you have to meet requirements to be licensed to drive a motor vehicle, that means that inherently it is not a Right. In addition this has nothing to do with Freedom of Speech. I thought you went to school for this?

(04-02-2012, 06:53 PM)AngryCommie Wrote: Calling someone a (insert racist term of your choice here) is just as bad as yelling fire in a theater, whether you like it or not. Both are irresponsible behavior that can easily lead to the same result, and you do NOT have the right to say either of them - at least not without suffering the repercussions.

[Image: funny-pictures-cat-does-not-believe.jpg]

Quote:Courts have often recognized that the right of free speech is not absolute. They have limited free speech when it becomes libel, incites a riot, threatens an elected official, or conspires to monopolize industries. Bans on cigarette advertising or liquor sales also narrow free speech. Anti-racists must become First Amendment realists who argue that individuals harmed by racist speech and symbols should be able to sue under defamation laws, intentional infliction of emotional distress laws, and/or assault and battery laws.

From here .

And once again you're missing my point. There is a better recourse than attacking someone or limiting their speech. And oddly enough what I linked is what you've been talking about. That an individual is responsible for what they've said. It's up to the offended party to redress it (without attacking them)

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RE: I'm confused about the American Republican party - by Tal - 04-02-2012, 07:59 PM

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