I'm confused about the American Republican party
(03-27-2012, 04:32 PM)kandrathe Wrote:
Quote:This is what is so frustrating to me when looking at Republican platforms. You can't have sex unless you are married. We won't teach you anything about sex. If you have sex, you can't use contraception. We won't teach you about contraception. If you get pregnant because you had sex without being fully knowledgeable about how basic biology and contraception works, you can't have an abortion. Oh, we also don't want to help you to financially care for your child because you're poor and the rich people need more tax breaks.
I hope you are being facetious, because otherwise it is completely erroneous.

Here is their platform. http://whitehouse12.com/republican-party-platform/

I'm pretty sure he's referring to the current political standing of Republicans running for office. The two front-runners outright proclaim their embrace for a biblical structure of a way of life. This concept includes all the things Deebee mentioned. However, Newt and Ron don't concede with these points of view, so he is not fully correct in his assertions, but it is clear from having watched news recently that media outlets paint Republicans to be politically motivated by the bible, rather that is true or not.

Because of that, I will never vote for the two Republican front-runners, and even though I don't want Obama to win, I'd rather have him in office than those two rights-devolving twits currently in the running for top Republican.

Quote:When I first started typing this reply I was going to say "I'm not suggesting that the government actually starts handing out condoms", but you know what? I've changed my mind. I really do think that contraception should be freely and widely available in schools, and mandatory classes on how to use them.
At what age would you suggest children start having sex?

Lol, you know damn well what me meant. Your being snarky. On the flip-side, if you don't feel schools should help protect children from potential harm, then why support seat-belt and helmet laws? Why not abolish the legal drinking age, or sop making children go to school altogether? The obvious answer is obvious; we want to protect our children from harm? Why would you want to do otherwise? Because your embarrassed about sex ed? Because you don't feel it will be taught right? Perhaps you think the system can be or is ripe for abuse?
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin

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RE: I'm confused about the American Republican party - by Taem - 03-27-2012, 10:16 PM

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