I'm confused about the American Republican party
(02-09-2012, 05:23 AM)DeeBye Wrote: I'm not American, but I have this insane fascination of American politics.

So the Republican Party is conservative. I get that part. A big chunk of being "conservative" (from what I can gather) means small government, lower taxes, and an emphasis on personal freedoms as outlined in the US Constitution. I like this a lot. Who wouldn't?

What I absolutely do not understand is the connection between the US Republican Party and the Christian religion, and how the Republicans are so dependent on the "evangelical" vote (I don't fully understand what an evangelical is).

From what I can gather as an outsider looking in, the Republican Party wants to have a small government and promote personal freedoms, but only if it does not interfere with the Bible stuff.

The biggest confusion I have is the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution (Freedom of religion), and the Republican Party being so pro-Christianity.

I had some other questions lined up, but I forgot them while typing these ones out.

Dee, the Republican party, or the G.O.P. as it is often called, has lost its way in America by steadily moving to the right on all issues social and political. It used to be a party of small government that was pro-business and moderate socially. Now it's the party of the state mandated pre-abortion, trans-vaginal ultrasounds and limited access to oral contraceptives. I don't wonder you're scratching your head.

I am the first to say that I am a full on liberal, actually to a great extent, a socialist. My parents were Republicans so I grew up with that party and watched it shift farther and farther to the right. As it shifted farther right, the Democrats shifted farther from the left and more toward the middle.

Now there is no party for me in America and I just want them all to shut up and leave women alone. It's one thing to be the party that loves Wall Street. It's another thing all together to be the party that dictates to women how they will manage their reproductive rights and health.

All said. Bye Bye. Wink

[Image: Sabra%20gold%20copy.jpg]

I blame Tal.

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RE: I'm confused about the American Republican party - by Sabra - 03-23-2012, 11:48 AM

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