I'm confused about the American Republican party
(02-23-2012, 03:39 PM)eppie Wrote: No but it means he* is big friends with influencial people in one of te most extremist muslim countries, that is the biggest sponsor of global terrorism.
You mean Saudi Arabia? The place where we have sold them the best weapons technologies, and have 5 air bases to stage operations throughout the middle east?

Quote:It means that all those 200 milion americans that supported him because they liked how he was goign to teach 'those muslims a lesson' have been lied to.
Lying to the constituency is not new to American politics.

Quote:And you want to compare this to Obama how exactly?
Rewind. Hypothetically speaking... Meaning, we are not talking about rendered facts here. IF it were true that Obama was connected to the advisor to Alwaleed bin Talal, it would mean he had in his past a benefactor from the Saudi Royal Family. One of the richest men in the world. Now, based on his *actions* it is obvious he is not in their pocket, anymore than he is in Warren Buffets pocket.

Quote:Even though I disagree with you on most things I always consider you a smart guy but this nonsense is costing you points.
You are putting too much into this. I tend to beleive that Percy Sutton was not out of his mind when he said it. There is a great need for political cover for everyone to want to distance themselves from his statements. I'm a skeptic. Which is more likely, that this old guy had dementia and suddenly made up a very plausible story replete with verifiable details (a letter he wrote), or that in a moment of unchecked candor he let slip something others would rather not have well known?

Quote:Again this is one of the reasons we europeans are so interested in US politics and so worried about it. You have a population that let's a group of people get away with spending 100s of billions of tax payer dollars and at the same time using that money to secure very lucrative contracts for their own companies. And then after this biggest thieve in the history of the US is gone and a black guy becomes president the people are getting ready with their pitch forks.
He's come quite a ways to the center. Now he's proposing simplifying corporate taxes, and cutting the top rate down to 25%. It's almost.... Republican.

”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

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RE: I'm confused about the American Republican party - by kandrathe - 02-23-2012, 04:25 PM

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