I'm confused about the American Republican party
[quote='kandrathe' pid='193645' dateline='1328837133']It's a balance right? There is a negative economic consequence to not investing in uplifting people through the effects of poverty, ignorance, and inequality. But, there is also a negative consequence to raising taxes so high that you stifle economic growth. So, the way I see it is that yes, taxes can be bad... But then, so are the lack of taxes when it results in a crumbling infrastructure, a lack of education, a high misery for vast portions of the populace.
I think spending tax money on building projects, health care and welfare ensure that the money you spend directly enters the real economy again. In a country like the US where you (still) produce a lot of things yourself (unlike Holland for example) you even support industry when spending more on health care.
(this has been done during the Bush years when he spend tax dollars for all kinds of building contracts in Iraq and security measures in the US all done by companies owned by friends of him of course.......and of course he was republican.

[quote='kandrathe' pid='193645' dateline='1328837133']
The more I compare the US and the Netherlands the less I find that is that much different, well other than size and total population.
Well, a large part of our population and politicians try to be like the US as much as they can. Our politicians just want to shake the hand of the president of the US and hope to get some nice job at the UN later.

It is nice this comparing of the US and Europe or the Netherlands.

I like Boston a lot, but that is just a city of course. Here in Sweden I recognize a lot of the US, but that is maybe just because of the population density.....big cities and then nothing. So the same structures with strip malls etc.

But for the rest I don't think you can compare american cities to Amsterdam.

I am really sensitive to atmosphere and people's culture. So when I am in the states I can really enjoy when you take an exit on a highway and you arrive in this area where there ar a bunch of motels and some restaurants. Or the walking around in big city centre's without visiting the tourist attraction....I mean just on tuesday morning in autum or so just to get a taste of the city like it normally is. New York is fun but to much a theatre and touristy just like San Francisco (which is extremely nice , but indeed touristy). Boston I like a lot maybe because it is the most european american city (mainly the beacon street area).

Salt Lake City is the other end of the spectrum boring as hell but I will always remember it. All the streets are 100 m wide, very quiet etc. Also places like Cincinnati or Indianapolis are very boring from a tourist point of view, but nice to walk around there once.

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RE: I'm confused about the American Republican party - by eppie - 02-10-2012, 06:43 AM

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