Anyone knows the mechanics of crushing blow?
Thx for giving me a copy of your testing chars.

Now i have an idea about your observations.

I tried your 5 BER sword on a 50% phys. res. zombie with 100 life. The function was called 5 times:
life reduction
1: 6400h C80h
2: 5780h AF0h
3: 4C90h 992h
4: 42FEh 860h
5: 3A9Eh 754h

This values are 256ths. So after the 5th call the life of the zombie is 51.

After this normal damage is applied (but i think you used a 1-2 dmg sword).

This is a reduction of 49%.

/edit: Another crazy observation. The calling code must be very buggy :(
Having equiped the 5 BER sword while game creation leads to the 5 calls (once for each rune).
Equiping the sword before attacking a monster leads two only one call for the sword (+ calls from another items).

Messages In This Thread
Anyone knows the mechanics of crushing blow? - by black_spy - 07-15-2003, 12:21 PM

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