07-14-2003, 04:49 AM
Ruvanal,Jul 13 2003, 06:51 PM Wrote:What were you setting the mod1 column to? It should be using the followingAh,always conveying the thanks to you :D
1=low (low quality)
2=nor (normal)
3=hiq (superior)
4=mag (magical)
5=set (set)
6=rar (rar)
7=uni (unique)
8=crf (crafted)
9=tmp (tempered)
Choice 9 (tempered would not really be a good choice as the game would probably just treat the item as a normal item.
My guess is that you may have used mod1=8 thinking that would be for the uniques when in fact you gave here a crafted item that would to most intents and purposes just appear to be a rare item from what you could see. One problem with giving the monsters a unique item is that it would most likely prevent the player from finding that item themselves latter in the game.
I did guess the mod=1,2,3..... represent the quality but do not get which quality is corresponding,without the mophock it is a bit arduous to judge to me. :unsure:
Yes mod1=7 is unique.My Valkyrie can equip an azurewraith then she provides the Sanctuaryaura.After that I can't get any more Azurewraith in the same game.And It also seems that when the left arm of the Valkyrie can wield an azurewraith but the sword did not give any affect and I can't get an azurewraith again also.