Tell me about your crappy first car!
A 1989 Geo Metro that I got over spring break in 1996 (so end of my 3rd year in college). Including the gas I used to add another 80K miles to it that car pulled $4,500 out of my pockets. That's purchase price, repairs, maintenance, gas, oil, the old buick hood that became the passenger side floorboard, everything. It died in 2003 when the frame cracked by both front wheels. The weight limit of that vehicle was exceeded all the time. It's little 3 cylinder engine had 998 CC stamped on it. I got a speeding ticket for going 84 in a 70 zone in it once. I drove it like an older semi, I'd pick up speed down hills so that I would still hold it at the top of the next. I averaged 44 MPG for the time I had it. There were several 400 mile trips where it got over 50. Though towards the end it was down in the high 30's several times.

That blue 5 door, 5 speed manual, Mighty Metro was a surprisingly good car. It handled snow better than expected, it actually held speed better than expected, it got great gas mileage (and when I was in an area where you could get gas for $0.72 a gallon I could fill it up for less than $10). I knew of course if I ever got in an accident I was dead because there was just nothing to the frame, but it was a good little car.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.

Messages In This Thread
Tell me about your crappy first car! - by DeeBye - 11-10-2011, 04:32 AM
RE: Tell me about your crappy first car! - by Tal - 11-10-2011, 02:17 PM
RE: Tell me about your crappy first car! - by Kevin - 11-10-2011, 03:26 PM

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