Anyone knows the mechanics of crushing blow?
Thanks a lot for your reply.

Does the last statement mean that CB percentages no longer stacks but each item is calculated separately? As in... having a guillaume's face (35%) + goblin toes (25%) gives you 48.75% of no CB, 42.5% of 1 CB and 8.75% of 2 CBs? Nope, just tried it with a 100% CB weapon and a 100% CB helm and it doesn't give 2 CBs per hit.

With the formula using melee and against normal monsters:
- players 1: 1/4_ or 25%
- players 2: 1/6_ or 17%
- players 3: 1/8_ or 13%
- players 4: 1/10 or 10%
- players 5: 1/12 or 8%
- players 6: 1/14 or 7%
- players 7: 1/16 or 6%
- players 8: 1/18 or 6%

Below are the results of a few tests I did using a socketd JahBerBerBerBerBer crystal sword and using phtoshop to measure the lengths of life bar (is that even accurate in the first place) on screenies taken after the first hit.

(50% physical resistance)
Undamaged: 90 pixels
After first hit in players 1: 46 pixels (49%) - champion: 82/162 (49%)
After first hit in players 2: 58 pixels (35%)
After first hit in players 3: 64 pixels (29%) - boss: 154/214 (28%), 160/224 (28%)
After first hit in players 7: 72 pixels (20%)

(15% physical resistance)
Undamaged: 90 pixels
After first hit in players 1: 28 pixels (69%)
After first hit in players 2: 42 pixels (53%)
After first hit in players 3: 52 pixels (42%)
After first hit in players 7: 68 pixels (24%)

Carrion Bird
(0% physical resistance)
Undamaged: 138 pixels
After first hit in players 1: 32-34 pixels (76%)
After first hit in players 2: 56 pixels (59%)
After first hit in players 3: 70 pixels (49%) - boss: 91/179 (49%)
After first hit in players 7: 98 pixels (29%) - champion: 150/212 (29%)

The damage definitely seems to be a lot more than what I would be expecting based on 1.09 or even the formula given. The effect of physical resistance on the % damage done also seems a bit strange based on the assumption that the monster's life bar are even accurate in the first place.

Messages In This Thread
Anyone knows the mechanics of crushing blow? - by Ice - 07-14-2003, 01:48 AM

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