Anyone knows the mechanics of crushing blow?

i've looked a bit on the code calculating CB.

It seems [haven't checked all] to be calculated as follow

reduction_value = [HitPoints * 1 / ((x + [x * (#players - 1) * 0.5]) * 2 if ranged attack)]

x = 4 if normal Monster or an unique Version of it
x = 8 if act boss or SuperUnique (haven't checked this really - just a guess while looking at the code in the debugger)
x = 10 if player or merc

after this reduction_value is multiplied with the phys. resistence if there is any.

But there seems to be a bug in the calling code. First i did some tests with just one CB item, and everything worked as it should. Then i equiped a second CB item and the function was called twice.


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Anyone knows the mechanics of crushing blow? - by black_spy - 07-13-2003, 11:31 PM

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