10-29-2011, 04:55 PM
(10-29-2011, 06:01 AM)Treesh Wrote: Who knows, without the religions that say it's evil...Just to step in and be the one to defend religion, just a little bit...
My interpretation, and one fairly widespread in most religions is that intercourse is not evil/sinful, and that sexuality is God given. Technically, sin is that which separates one from divinity. The confusion in modern Christianity (and for fundamentalists) is mostly due to the inclusion of the Old Testament (as a reference). The Judaic law proscribed certain sexual behaviors, as a result it has been tradition that has propagated these laws to the present. Adultery/Fornication are not really laws merely about sex, they are laws regarding the sanctity of marriage. Christianity, as defined by Paul, in essence has done away with these laws.
Marriage, as verified by religious authority, is the traditional societal requirement for copulation. It was observed by the society (being more theocratic) at that time more strictly as a means for providing social harmony. Copulation between unmarried people, or outside of marriage results in civil strife. The strife could be from harmed marriages, or from pregnancies for unmarried women.
Notice I said "verified". In the religious perspective, it is God that sanctifies marriage, not people. Two people who commit themselves to each other ( before God) are married. The wedding is a ceremony to share/celebrate the God given union with the community. This is why I don't think the government should have anything to do with marriage, or with attempting to enforce sexual morality.
So, the bottom line would be then, that it would be "sinful" to engage in any act that causes strife in the community, or harm to others. It would be sinful to play the stereo annoyingly loud, be an obnoxious drunk, maliciously fire tear gas canisters to explode on fallen protesters or be a jerk racing in traffic. If you do anything you believe is not right, you are sinning. I believe a proper understanding of Christianity is not in "sin management", but rather seeking a state of grace. Focusing only on sin and penance results in shame, and ultimately more sin.
In our modern society, with our knowledge of protective measures, and with mutual adult consent, copulation is not sinning when approached from the perspective of grace.
And... my off topic musings... I commented earlier on a different thread that the ancient Semitic cultures were not monogamous. The women owned the tents, and men would marry as many wives as they could care for (providing food and money to the tent).
My wife and I recently watched Lisa Ling visiting a traditional Mormon family where the original couple married when they were 18, then 5 years later they added another wife, and 3 years later another wife. It was interesting to see Lisa deal with societal concepts that the Mormon men and women had been comfortable with their whole lives. They were raised in happy plural households, and had dozens of brothers and sisters, and a group of loving caregivers to nurture them. Often these people are targeted and prosecuted for felony bigamy.
We have a long way to go in the US in being an open minded and free society. Whether that comes from oppressive religious interpretations imposing "correctness", or from oppressive government seeking to control our thoughts and our private lives.