Chinese government tells people what they can watch on TV
That wiki info is pretty spot on more or less. There are so many different branches of socialism and Marxism, and many of them fundamentally disagree with one another...Social Democrats for example, believe capitalism can be reformed, and thus reject revolution. Traditional Marxists have several factions, though most agree revolution is necessary. Where they often differ is how the revolution should be implemented. Rosa Luxemburg was one which strongly advocated workers rights and felt the revolution should be manifested through them, she rejected self-determination of the state. Lenin and Trotsky disagreed. The Anarchists and libertarian socialists held views pretty similar to Luxemburg's, though there were variations of these groups as well. Of course there are still the nut-jobs who believe in Stalinism or Maoism, but most reasonable Marxists now heavily reject them and seek to distance themselves as far from them as possible, as they view both of them to be more fascist than Marxist. It is my personal opinion that Mao, and probably Stalin as well, were not true Marxists at heart, and had held only their personal desire for power as a true objective from the beginning. I could be wrong, and I will never know, I only have history and what I have read about them to form a judgement. But their actions sharply contrast with the ideas and philosphy of Marx, that is for sure.

China shouldn't be called communist, when they are more capitalist than we are. Applying terms to things which are such in name only, promotes misinformation and distorts the true meaning of the words.

Regarding altruism, I've seen that argument that anything we do for others is only to make us feel good, and that makes us selfish. Even if it makes one feel satisfaction by helping others, nevertheless the action done helps someone in some way. In other words, how it pertains to our feeling is irrelevant in my opinion. Altruism is altruism, whether it's done to make us feel satisfaction for ourselves or not. Guess we have to agree to disagree there. Although, I suppose one could use altruism as an instrument of malicious intent. I had an $70 sushi dinner tonight, knowing that my funds are tight at the moment. The waitress was very pleasant and did her job well. I left her a nice tip. But I didn't do it to make me feel "good inside". I did it because it was the right thing to do, nothing more nothing less. But let me tell you, I didnt get this "good feeling" inside afterward, nor did I feel bad.

"Your very ideas are but the outgrowth of conditions of your bourgeois production and bourgeois property, just as your jurisprudence is but the will of your class, made into law for all, a will whose essential character and direction are determined by the economic conditions of the existence of your class." - Marx (addressing the bourgeois)

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RE: Chinese government tells people what they can watch on TV - by FireIceTalon - 10-29-2011, 03:20 AM

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