Anyone else notice the Valk's new items?
Kar0n,Jul 13 2003, 10:30 AM Wrote:It seem that the item can only be rare,I tried to change the weapon to windforce but failed. <_<
What were you setting the mod1 column to? It should be using the following

1=low (low quality)
2=nor (normal)
3=hiq (superior)
4=mag (magical)
5=set (set)
6=rar (rar)
7=uni (unique)
8=crf (crafted)
9=tmp (tempered)
Choice 9 (tempered would not really be a good choice as the game would probably just treat the item as a normal item.

My guess is that you may have used mod1=8 thinking that would be for the uniques when in fact you gave here a crafted item that would to most intents and purposes just appear to be a rare item from what you could see. One problem with giving the monsters a unique item is that it would most likely prevent the player from finding that item themselves latter in the game.

Messages In This Thread
Anyone else notice the Valk's new items? - by Ruvanal - 07-13-2003, 07:00 PM

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