(08-19-2011, 12:51 PM)LemmingofGlory Wrote: Now you can play Crypt Roulette with small characters. Enter crypt, look for nearby chests/urns, trap or non-trap? Let fate decide.
...OR I could just go strait to hell and find out who can run faster, me or Diablo

(08-19-2011, 11:17 AM)maht1 Wrote: It's seems very sad if it was such a disappointment because I reckon there was potential for an exciting dungeon romp. Guess I will have to extinguish my hopes of doing the following.
1) Killing xenomorphs with my sword, only for my blade to melt due to the corrosive alien blood.
2) Looting "dead" corpses, with the chance of a chestburster coming out.
3) Other fun things from the movies.
Not so sure about that:
1) You DO get to plunge your sword into the Defiler(Hive-Boss on lvl 4). He almost looks as close to one as the graphics allow. You would have to be ok with keeping your sword though

2) Does 3 of those popping up from around the corner count?
3) Use your imagination

OMG am I actually plugging the Hive here? Forget what I just posted....
PS: Am I the only one with the - unsubstantiated - feeling that Hive / Crypt are not only a little easier than Caves / Hell respectively but also a lot more generous?