(06-15-2011, 10:48 PM)FireIceTalon Wrote: As far as people here having higher degrees than me, how could you possibly know what degrees I have or do not have?? ROFL. For one who hates people that make ignorant assumptions, you sure are the poster boy for it. That foot taste any good? Nevermind I dont want to know. And even if they do have higher degrees, I have no interest in getting a Tea Partyism or American Fascism PHD, where the rewriting of history and embracing of myth and folklore over rationality and logic is par for the course, so you can go on and keep that.Welcome to the Tea Party Jester. Here is your degree in American Fascism, please register your complaints at the counter to the left. Oh, this is sooooo rich! <--- Me = belly laughing.

(06-15-2011, 08:16 PM)shoju Wrote:My MIL, a life long social worker, who met her husband at the school for the blind, who lived most of her life well below the poverty line, at age 57, started Windows Magazine in 1990, and sold it to CMP in 1991 for some millions. Yes, I've witnessed rags to riches stories, and I work with newly arrived immigrants and witness "the American Dream" all the time. It's usually a combination of luck, perseverance, intelligence, and connections. And, what's with the stereo-typed "Harlem" crap? Even Bill Clinton had to move his office away since the rent was too high. If FIT were cognizant of modern barrio's he'd reference certain neighborhoods in Chicago, Detroit or Cincinnati.Quote:Do you really think everyone here has an equal opportunity for success? Do you really think someone who grows up in Harlem has the same opportunities to achieve the American DreamYes. And if you miss out on all the "feel good" stories of it happening all the time in America, you need to stop watching whatever it is you are watching and do some research. Loser Makes Good, Poor man ends up rich, and similar tales happen all the time in America. But because of the media are swept under the rug for the more "enticing and scandalous" stories about wieners, and boehners and other political partisan crap.
I'm not saying that everyone will end up a rags to riches story, but the fact that they happen is further proof that anyone with enough determination, grit, and desire can make things better for themselves.
Being ignorant to the possibility of that happening doesn't make your point correct.
FireIceTalon Wrote:Ad hominem attacks wont get you very far with me. You're last statement is wrong on so many levels, where do I begin? I suppose if it were up to you, we would go back to the Mccarthy era where it was banned to even teach Marx's readings in school, yet somehow im the dictator and madman. Way to put your foot in your mouth, genius. As for Marx's anti semetic comments, he isnt necessarily attacking Jews themselves (afterall, Marx himself was Jewish and likely would have been put to death had he lived during the 1940's in Germany) so much as he was the Jewish bankers and factory owners of the Industrial Revolution. This isnt a race or religion issue, this is a CLASS issue. LOL again at me being a madman, and lol even more at me being the only one that appreciates Marx's theories. You my friend, are hypocritical, and delusional. Its easy to denounce someone who is a greater thinker than you are that you dislike Smile Afterall 20 years from now, Marx will no longer be taught and instead we will study the works of the great kandrathe right? Rofl!Have you read 'Zur Judenfrage'? So, maybe Marx was a self-hating Jew. Just like there are self-hating Americans...
"Once society has succeeded in abolishing the empirical essence of Judaism – huckstering and its preconditions – the Jew will have become impossible, because his consciousness no longer has an object, because the subjective basis of Judaism, practical need, has been humanized, and because the conflict between man’s individual-sensuous existence and his species-existence has been abolished." -- Karl Marx
And, this was vogue for socialists at that time, such as;
"This race poisons everything by meddling everywhere without ever joining itself to another people. Demand their expulsion from France, with the exception of individuals married to Frenchwomen. Abolish the synagogues; do not admit them to any kind of employment, pursue finally the abolition of this cult... The Jew is the enemy of the human race. One must send this race back to Asia or exterminate it... By fire or fusion or by expulsion, the Jew must disappear... What the peoples of the middle ages hated by instinct I hate upon reflection and irrevocably." -- French socialist, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, 1847
It was the Bolshevik's who having won the revolution turned around and closed the synagogues, and banned the teaching of Hebrew.
"How was Auschwitz possible, what was anti-Semitism? It used the hatred of the people of their dependence on money as a medium of exchange, their longing for communism. Auschwitz means that six million Jews were murdered and carted on to the rubbish dumps of Europe for being that which was maintained of them — Money-Jews. What had happened was that finance capital and banks, the hard core of the system of imperialism and capitalism, had diverted the people’s hatred of money and exploitation away from themselves and on to the Jews." -- Ulrike Meinhof, of the Marxist Red Army Faction, 1972 in response to the massacre of Israeli Athletes.
I can only present the facts, and you can choose to look, or not.
FireIceTalon Wrote:I am right, Americans truly don't get it, and the above post confirms it. I'm done with this thread, you guys keep sipping on that Horatio Alger Myth kool-aid. ROFL.Although, all of us here, myself included can look at our grandparents, parents, and ourselves and see social mobility. My grandfathers were farmers, who came from Sweden around the 1880's and they educated their children who did better. My father was a semi-truck driver, and a member of the Teamsters union. My siblings and I ended up working and putting ourselves through college (I put myself through college raising cattle, and working at the local railroad answering computer help desk calls), and so our generation has done even better. This is no Horatio Alger myth, and it was no get rich quick scheme. It was plain and simple social mobility, accomplished with dedication and hard work. Dance around gleefully claiming victory if you must. I'm not sure what it is that you think we don't get, because you've yet to forward anything resembling an argument. For evidence, you just wave your hands around and say "Look at the empirical evidence". And... how endearing is it of you to rebuff any challenge to your specious and unsupported claims with "LMAO", "ROFLcopters", and "Bwahahahaaha! you poor deluded fool". Is this the junior high? You need to grow up son. I'm sorry life has been hard on you and you didn't get the brass ring.
(06-19-2011, 04:22 AM)--Pete Wrote:He's said that before. Do you think he means it this time? It's pretty far from "I'm a brilliant PoliSci Major, look at my A paper." to being unwilling to fence wits with some dullard capitalist pigs. Other than name dropping Rawls, and other notables from the Frankfurt school, he has yet to demonstrate any understanding of the theories which he is supposedly supporting. I've been forced to learn more about Marxism, not even being in the social sciences, than he seems to have absorbed immersed in it.(06-19-2011, 02:23 AM)FireIceTalon Wrote: Meh, I think im done with this thread.Yet another brilliant mind driven off the Lounge.