06-16-2011, 06:22 AM
(06-16-2011, 03:07 AM)FireIceTalon Wrote: As promised, here is my research paper on John Rawls and his theory of "Justice As Fairness". For this paper, we were required to pick a political thinker we covered in the course, discuss one or two of his theories, and then apply them to modern society. Criticize (or less likely, compliment) if you will, I already received an A on the paper and an A in the class as I mentioned previously. A little over 10 pages (length requirement was 7-10 pages). Have at it.
Ok. First off, fix your formatting. It might have been fine when you handed it in as a paper, but it looks like donkey apples when it's served as straight from the can copypasta in a forum.
I would still say the same thing if you were libertardian. If you claim you want to be a superawesomeIroxxor-your-xbawxor writer, you should care about communicating clearly. Your formatting does not currently reflect that.
Second, if you did have an interesting idea it's buried under a huge mound of copypasta. I'm kind of disturbed actually, that you were asked to supply a 7-10 page paper implying quantity=quality. This is high school poli-sci\history 101 stuff at best. At worst it resembles a make work project. If a uni\college class does this at an advanced class, I'd re-consider my tuition.
-Fix your formatting if you want anyone to read that in a forum.
-If you want to be a good writer, concentrate on communicating clearly, and concisely. Be a laser, not a scattergun. Some perfessors who just wants you to parrot their bias may not give you an A, but in the long run you'll be a better writer.
-2 second soundbites are idiotic, but 2 gajillion words does not automagically = brilliant opus. Cut the puffery flowery weasely fillers. Be ruthless. Because your audience will be. If they don't like or care, they won't give you a grade. They'll just check out.
TL,DR part 2, the Evil Empire Strikes Back!
![[Image: communist_party_poster1.jpg]](http://laughingsquid.com/wp-content/uploads/communist_party_poster1.jpg)
I give credit to Marx for trying to spread kommie-ism by humour, while Lenin tried it with popular musical invasion. Marx along with his brothers (Chico, probably a Cuban) went as far as getting numerous Hollywood films and a TV game show to espouse their theories. And Lenin definitely ruled the 60s and 70's, who knows how far it could've gone if it wasn't for his assasination in the 80's.