02-08-2011, 05:55 PM
Alright, so as you probably already know, a UFO was spotted and filmed by four different people in four different locations over the Dome of the Rock Shrine in Jerusalem (just Google "UFO Jerusalem" if you haven't already read about it). I've read a few sites trying hard to debunk it, claiming ONE of the videos shows proof of editing - a claim I dismiss as I'd edit the video too to get a better picture - but the others do not.
In any event, I want to talk about how one could survive the G-Force of that flight upward in the videos. Here's a good quality one from Fox News. I see only three possibilities:
1) Unmanned Robotic Device
2) Some form of gel-type substance in the cabin that absorbs the physical pressure of the G-forces.
3) A internal gravity stabilizer of some sort.
I'm not even talking about aliens here; the craft could have been American for all we know; top secret craft haven't been made public since that black super sonic jet in the cold war era, and technology has increased tremendously since then! Whoever made it, I don't care, because now its theorycrafting time. #1 seems most plausible, especially when you look at the size of the building and the size of the craft. #2 seems possible. #3 seems highly improbable, and I doubt this kind of technology exists to us yet. If it was a manned ship, then I see #2 as the only possibility, at least in our atmosphere.
In any event, I want to talk about how one could survive the G-Force of that flight upward in the videos. Here's a good quality one from Fox News. I see only three possibilities:
1) Unmanned Robotic Device
2) Some form of gel-type substance in the cabin that absorbs the physical pressure of the G-forces.
3) A internal gravity stabilizer of some sort.
I'm not even talking about aliens here; the craft could have been American for all we know; top secret craft haven't been made public since that black super sonic jet in the cold war era, and technology has increased tremendously since then! Whoever made it, I don't care, because now its theorycrafting time. #1 seems most plausible, especially when you look at the size of the building and the size of the craft. #2 seems possible. #3 seems highly improbable, and I doubt this kind of technology exists to us yet. If it was a manned ship, then I see #2 as the only possibility, at least in our atmosphere.
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin