How does 1.10 Lycan/Wereform/Oak Sage work?
Test subject: Ultra-Tank 1.09.

Base Life: 2234
Life with Werebear form (200%): 6702 Life
Life with Oaksage (Level 20 due to bug, 125%): 5026.5 Life
Life with Oak and Werebear: 9494.5 Life

The above makes sense, it can be calculated. The below (1.10) doesn't. I am hoping someone could explain it to me how it works now.

Test subject: Cloned Ultra-Tank 1.10

In-Game listing

Base Life: 2234
Life with Werebear form (200%????): 6144 Life
Life with Oaksage (Level 36, 205%????): 6241 Life
Life with Oak and Werebear: 10151 Life

One theory is that it calculates under 175% and 180% for some odd reason. Another is.. BUG!! BUG!!! AHHH .......

So anyone wish to step up at bat?

Messages In This Thread
How does 1.10 Lycan/Wereform/Oak Sage work? - by Kharohz - 07-10-2003, 01:12 AM

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