sorry bolty, but as the old saying goes you learn something new each day and i admit i did.
when i read the title i could read it and understand it, but when you see something that strikes you funny, and you also remember back before you closed the lounge we had a little contest on how long you can go without making a random typo in some of your post to this day you still haven't done it!
so thank you
and no its not you there really haven't been any good machinima as of late i seen few meh ones but i guess the bar has been set by illegal danish if you remember they was supposed to release the new one at blizzcon a year half ago when wrath was being talked about at blizzcon
when i read the title i could read it and understand it, but when you see something that strikes you funny, and you also remember back before you closed the lounge we had a little contest on how long you can go without making a random typo in some of your post to this day you still haven't done it!
so thank you
and no its not you there really haven't been any good machinima as of late i seen few meh ones but i guess the bar has been set by illegal danish if you remember they was supposed to release the new one at blizzcon a year half ago when wrath was being talked about at blizzcon