Cat Heroic Boss Info *SPOILERS*
Note: The following information contains ALL the info on Heroic instance Bosses and Notable trash, do not read if you want to experience these by yourself.

Black Rock Depths
Rom’ogg Bonecrusher
Call for Help - Rom’ogg calls for nearby minions to assist him.
Quake – Inflicts 3,000 Physical damage every second to all players within 40 yards of Rom’ogg. Lasts 3 seconds.
Wounding Strike – Inflicts 125% weapon damage to the current target and reduces healing done by 25% for 10 seconds.
Chains of Woe - Summons Chains of Woe around all players, rendering them unable to move for 20 seconds or until the Chains are destroyed. Starts casting The Skullcracker immediately after.
The Skullcracker – Inflicts ~100,000 Shadow damage to all players within 10-15 yards of Rom’ogg. Begins casting immediately after Chains of Woe. Has 8 seconds cast time.
A: It is recommended you clear all of the adds near Rom’ogg before you engage him, this should avoid unnecessary deaths to adds.
B: Number One DPS priority in this fight is the Chains of Woe. The Boss will pull the entire group in next to him, and shackle them with Chains of Woe. Like bosses such as Blood princes, the chains have a shared health pool, so DPS whichever is closest (or furthest, Hunters).
C: As soon as Chains of Woe is cast, the boss will begin to cast The Skullcracker, which at lower tiers of gear, and even at higher ones, is a guaranteed, immediate, group wipe.
D: Kill the Chains, and then move at least 20 yards from the boss. This includes the Tank. The boss will not move while casting The Skullcracker, so make use of your boot enchants or talents, and get a running.
E: The boss will periodically summon a number of adds, these should be picked up by the Tank, and DPSed down. Lower kill order priority than Chains of Woe. DPS, watch your cleaves, the Tank’s job is hard enough as is.
F: Note, it is also possible to kill the adds using the boss’ Skullcracker. Doing so will require a well timed Frost Nova or other such effect, or some skilled positioning from the Tank.
G: A Cooldown, either from the healer or the Tank, is recommended, for Wounding Strike, as when combined with adds, this can and will cause issues.
H: Unless you have some extreme range, you’re going to be hit by Quake. Defensive cooldowns from the DPS are never a bad thing, especially in lower levels of gear. Save a wipe, save Healer mana.
I: The really really big mobs here have an attack which -must- be interrupted.
J: They are patrols to careful not to aggro one when dealing with another pack.

Corla, Herald of Twilight
Aura of Acceleration – Increases the movement speed by 50% and attack speed by 100% of all Twilight Cultists within 50 yards of Corla.
Dark Command - Inflicts 7,500 Shadow damage every second to a random player, and causes them to flee in terror. Lasts 4 seconds.
Death Grip – Draws a random player to Corla.
Drain Essence – Corla channels nether energies in a beam from the nether dragon’s corpse by the ceiling to the three Twilight Zealots. The beams stack Evolution on their target every second.
Evolution - The target of the nether beams gains a stack of Evolution every second they stay in the beam. When Evolution reaches 100 stacks, players are affected by Twilight Evolution, and Zealots become Evolved Twilight Zealots.
Twilight Evolution – Brings a player under Corla’s control, increasing their health by 600%. Lasts 5 minutes.
Evolved Twilight Zealot – Twilight Zealots with 100 stacks of Evolution become Evolved. Evolved Zealots have Force Blast, Gravity Strike, Grievous Whirl, and Shadow Strike.
A: The first thing you may notice is the Boss, accompanied by a trio of kneeling Zealots.
B: The aim with this fight is relatively simplistic, kill the boss and don’t let any of the adds evolve.
C: The Zealots are passive until they are evolved, and do not need to be Tanked.
D: It is recommended you eliminate the patrol that moves in front of the boss, down on the floor from the ramp before pulling the boss. If a fear gets off, you don’t want more mobs pulled.
E: For this fight you will need 3 volunteers, one for each Zealot.
F: What each person must do, is position themselves between the Zealots and the incoming purple beams. The beams will stack Evolution on the target closest to the origin. The aim here is to stop Evolution from reaching 100 stacks, on either the Zealots or players. Do this by moving in and out of the beam, resetting your stacks in between. The recommended number of stacks to look for is 75. Get to 75, and move out of the beam, let the Zealot take the stacks until yours reset, then re-enter the beam. Continue this until the boss is dead.
G: You will need to assign at least one person to watch for Dark Command. A 2 second cast, if this is not interrupted, it can spell almost instant disaster. Don’t let her complete the cast.
H: The Tank should attempt to hold the boss in front of the central Zealot, as this will allow any melee DPS who are controlling Evolution stacks, to also DPS the boss.
It is possible for a Healer to control stacks on a Zealot, and is recommended in situations where your group is heavy on Melee. It is also possible for the Tank to control the stacks on a Zealot; however this will take a lot of awareness and coordination and is only recommended as a last resort.
I: As a come all, end all; Iceblock and equivalents can be used to clear any Evolution stacks.
J: If an add transforms, or worse a team mate, it is almost a guaranteed wipe. Gravity Strike deals 60% of the target’s current HP as damage. It will never outright kill you, as with 1k HP it would do 600 damage, but combined with Shadow Strike, which deals 70,000 Shadow damage *from behind* the target… I think you get the picture.
K: If you get Death Gripped out of a beam you were interrupting, use this as a chance to reset your stacks. Do not immediately return to the add, as the timers on the Evolution stacks will differ, and you or the Zealot may well end up transforming.
L: You will notice here, a pair of roaming fire elementals and a vast number of silver ‘blobs’ all around the room.The two elementals must be killed, they are the ‘trash’. The blobs are Quicksilver.When an elemental is near a Quicksilver, the quicksilver will heat up, and form an NPC which acts as any other mobs and must be tanked.Pull the elementals back into the doorway, away from the majority of the Quicksilver. The the NPC, ignore the Quicksilver, as after a few seconds of the elemental being killed, the Quicksilver will re-harden back into a ‘blob’.
Karsh Steelbender
Quicksilver Armor – Reduces all damage taken by 99%.
Superheated Quicksilver Armor - Increases damage taken by 5% per stack. Melee attacks inflict 2,000 Fire damage per stack to everyone in the room. Lasts 12 seconds, refreshed with new applications. Stacks every second Karsh remains in the central pillar of molten metal.
Cleave - Inflicts 110% weapon damage to players in front of Karsh.
A: When looking at the boss before the pull, he will have Quicksilver Armor activated at all times.
B: Begin the pull with the boss on the far side of the room from the group, as this will cause him to run through the central pillar of Lava to reach the group, and spend very little time in the beam itself.
C: The boss needs to be pulled through the lava beam in order for the Quicksilver Armor to become Superheated, and allow DPS to commence.
D: Once heated, the boss’ armour remains heated for 12 seconds, before he will need to be re-dunked in fire.
E: The longer the boss is kept in the Lava, the more damage he will deal and receive.
It is best to aim for something about 5 stacks. Too high and it becomes unhealable.
F: The boss cleaves. This is a responsibility of the DPS just as much as the Tank to make sure they’re not taking damage. Work with your Tank, not against them.
G: Whenever Superheated Quicksilver Armor drops off the boss, a wall of flame will erupt around the central circle of the encounter area. Be sure you’re not standing in it.
H: Pools of Lava will spawn beneath the feet of players. Much like Firefighter in Ulduar, simply stack the group up on one spot, and move in one direction whenever the lava spawns. This will stop it getting out of control.
The Pools of Lava also have the same effect as the Lava Pillar in the centre of the room. The longer the boss stands in one, the more damage he takes and gives. This can either be a blessing or a curse, either way; don’t let him stand in a puddle or a pillar too long.
I: During the fight, a number of Flame adds will spawn, Unless you’re a Hunter or a Rogue, I’d recommend leaving these be until the Tank has them under control, then burn them.
J: Directly after the previous boss, there are a pair of trash groups on either side of the path onwards into the instance. It is recommended you pull these back into the area where you fought the previous boss, as a pair of fire elementals patrol next to the trash groups, and will agro on sight.
K: These groups contain casters, so either have a Hunter MD with the Tank standing a good distance back, or simply silence, Death Grip, etc to get them all within a workable area.

Berserker Charge – Charges a random player, inflicting ~17,000 Physical damage and knocking them back.
Flamebreak – Inflicts ~12,000 Fire damage to all players within 10 yards, knocking them back.
Magma Spit - Inflicts ~4,000 Fire damage to a random target, as well as another 4,000 every 3 seconds for 9 seconds. Explodes when removed.
Terrifying Roar – Causes all players to flee in fear for 5 sec.
A: Boss + 3 ‘Puppies’
B: CC Puppy on the left, and Puppy on the right. Preferably by first pulling them to near the entrance to Beauty’s chamber so they’re out of the way.
C: Kill the central Pup’. Then Kill the boss, remembering to reapply CC to the other Puppies.
D: Spread out to avoid Magma Spit hitting multiple targets.
E: You may wish to Tank the boss against a wall, so Flamebreak will not cause unnecessary boss movement.
F: Pretty basic “Tank ‘n’ Spank” with some CC thrown in to boot.

Ascendant Lord Obsidius
Stone Blow – Inflicts 150% melee damage and knocks the target down.
Thunderclap – Inflicts ~12,000 Physical damage to all players around Obsidius. Also reduces movement speed of the affected targets by 50% for 8 seconds.
Twilight Corruption – Inflicts 8,000 Shadow damage every 2 seconds for 12 seconds.
A: The Boss comes with bonus adds that are required to be kited.
B: There are 3 adds in total, which, when in melee range of their target, reduce the healing received by that target.
C: These adds are unusual, as they posses a buff labelled only as ‘Twitchy’. In short, rather than attack the target with the highest threat, like most other NPCs, they will attack the *latest* target to generate threat.
D: A DoT is highly recommended here, or a multi target ability like Multi-Shot. The Adds can be Slowed, Rooted, Stunned, etc. Use this to your advantage.
E: Periodically the boss will switch places and posses one of the adds being kited. The Tank must immediately retrieve the boss, while simultaneously avoid adding threat to the ex-boss, turned add, that must be pulled away from the group and kited.
F: Be careful when kiting too close to the boss, Thunderclap will land you in trouble very quickly. Have a Hand of Freedom or equivalent ready just in case.
I: Twilight Corruption can be dispelled, and it is recommended to do so.
A note on kiting: it my be needed to have 2 kiters, one to take over when the debuff gets to high to heal through.

Grim Batol
Notable Trash:
After clearing two or three trash groups, you will notice a number of dragons that are tied down. Free them for the next stage.
It is now possible to ride these drakes. When you mount them, your action bar will change, like any other vehicle. You will only have one attack, the dragon’s breath.
Press 1 on your keyboard then click on the ground to shoot your flame breath. As you fly over the instance, use the breath to damage all of the trash between there and the final boss. It is possible, if planned perfectly, to kill all of the trash in the instance except those directly by the forge, and the last boss. Usually however, you’ll damage most groups to about half HP, possibly killing one or two. Either way, the more effectively you use the dragons, the faster the rest of the instance will be.
A note on the Quest to kill the Kobolds, this does not need to be done on one run, it can be done, and probably will be completed over a couple of runs.
General Umbriss
Bleeding Wound – Deals weapon damage as well as an additional ~10,000 Physical damage every 2 seconds for 10 seconds or until the target is healed to at least 90% health.
Blitz – General Umbriss charges an enemy location, dealing physical damage and knocking them up if impacted!
Frenzy – General Umbriss goes into a frenzy, increasing his attack speed by 50% and his Physical damage by 50%.
Ground Siege – Inflicts 60,000 Physical damage to all players and stuns them for 4 seconds.
A: Heal the Bleeding Wound targets quickly.
B: Spread out to avoid multiple players getting hit by Blitz.
C: One of the adds spawned will be larger than the others, and purple in colour. This add must be killed away from the boss, or it will cause him to frenzy. Do this by either having a DPS taunt it, stun it away from the boss, death grip, Distracting shot, whatever works to get that add away from the boss.
D: This is the key component of the fight, as when he frenzies, a blitz will one shot even a Tank.

Forgemaster Throngus
Disorienting Roar – The Disorienting Shout decreases cast and attack speed by 50% per charge, depleting a charge every time an ability is cast. Starts with 3 charges.
Impaling Slam – Charges an enemy, impaling it and inflicting 19500 to 20500 Fire damage every 1 sec for 5 sec.
Mighty Stomp – The Mighty Stomp creates a Cave In.
Pick Weapon – The Forgemaster ponders which weapon he wants to use to bludgeon his enemies.
- Mace – Throngus gains Encumbered, reducing his movement speed by 70%, but increasing his physical damage by 300%.
- Shield - Throngus gains Personal Phalanx, decreasing damage taken from the front by 99%. Also summons Twilight Archers that cannot be targeted, but attack with Flaming Arrows.
- Swords – Throngus gains Dual Blades, increasing his chance to hit by 20%, and giving each of his attack chance to gain 2 extra attacks.
A: For Mace, have a hunter taunt, or simply kite the boss until the buff expires, dps will have to watch threat as the tank will get pounded trying to TPS.
B: For Shield, the boss will also breathe fire directed at a random party member, which will continue either until the shield buff expires, or no party members are standing in the flame. Constantly move from this ability as it hurts, a lot. Healer should switch to AoE heals as tank damage is minimal.
C: For swords, simply use a Tank or Healer cooldown to get through it. Tank and spank here.
D: Avoid the created cave ins, shown by the shower of rocks, much like the earth adds in VoA.
E: There are a pair of lone NPCs which patrol between certain mob groups. Pull them mid patrol, so they’re not next to any of the other groups. When agroed, they will summon a Twilight Drake to assist them, DPS it as per normal. Only thing to note here is the dragon spawns fire on the ground. Move out of it.
Drahga Shadowburner
Phase 1: 100% – 20%
Burning Shadowbolt – Inflicts 14625 to 15375 Shadowflame damage.
Invocation of Flame – Summons a Invoked Flaming Spirit that fixates on a target. When the Spirit reaches its target it causes a Supernova, inflicting 48750 to 51250 Fire damage in a 0 yard radius around the Spirit.
Twilight Protection – Protected by the aura of the Twilight, Drahga takes 90% less damage!
Phase 2: 20%
Devouring Flames – Devouring Flames inflicts 50000 Shadow damage every 1 sec, the damage is lower the further the target is from the origin of the Devouring Flames.
Shredding Swipe – The brutal Shredding Swipe inflicts 100% weapon damage and tears a rift to the Twilight Realm.
Twilight Shift – Valiona shifts into the twilight, allowing her to escape without harm!
A: This is a two boss, two phase fight. The first boss is an NPC with less than a mil HP, he will die relatively quickly. Get him to 20% and he will spawn the 2nd boss with the usual expected HP. When this second boss is brought to 10%, it will fly away, and the first boss will return. The fight ends when his HP drops from the original 20%, to 0.
B: Throughout the entire fight, the highest priority of DPS will always be the adds. Large fire elementals will spawn randomly throughout the room, and after a moment, target a random play and move towards them, much like the PP gases in ICC. Like the gases, run away from the adds until they pick their target (shown by a beam of orange flame) then burn them as fast as possible.
C: These adds have no agro table, and are susceptible to every trick in the book. Stuns, slows, knock backs, the works. Use anything available to stop the add reaching its target, as if it makes contact, it will deal upwards of 120k damage; an almost guaranteed 1 shot. This damage is AoE.
In phase 2:
D: Fire will spawn randomly throughout the room, and simply must be avoided, not a huge issue.
E: For the Tank, the boss will spawn a large pool of magma beneath the tank’s feet, and they must move out of this quickly. Be careful when moving, as you don’t want to move towards an add that has you targeted.
F: Devouring Flames is a mana drain on the healer more-so than a raid wiper. The group members have two options here. If you’re near the boss’ pivot point in the room, simply move behind it when it turns to cast devouring flames, however if you cannot make it within a few steps, move as far away from the boss as you can, as it does less damage the further away you are. The Tank should never be hit by this ability.
Binding Shadows – The Bindings Shadows drains 0 life every 5 sec and root players within 0 yards of the target for until cancelled.
Enfeebling Blow – The Enfeebling Blow inflicts 75% weapon damage as Shadow damage, knocking the target back and causing their mind to become feeble.
Shadow Gale – Channels a Gale of Shadows inflicting increasing Shadow damage over time to enemies that are not in the eye of the Shadow Gale.
Summon Faceless Corruptor – Summons 2 Faceless Corruptors at the entrance of the room. The Faceless will try to run to any egg an use Twilight Corruption on it. On successful cast, the egg will spawn two Twilight Hatchlings. The Corruptors will also try to use Umbral Mending on Erudax. And finally, they will cast Siphon Essence
A: Enfeebling blow, when used on the tank, should be used as a period to kite the boss until the debuff expires.
B: The Faceless Corruptors’ healing spell that is cast on the boss can be interrupted.
These adds will only cast their spells when they reach their designated positions in the room and they have no agro table. They are immune to stuns, but slows are still effective. They should be burned quickly to avoid consequences, as the dps do not need to worry about pulling agro.
C: The eye of Shadow Gale is not definitively outlined; stand as close to the centre as you can to avoid excess ticks.
D: It is possible to DPS the boss while inside the gale, however threat may be an issue as the Tank may be unable to TPS the boss due to range issues.
E: Binding Shadows will root players with a magical debuff and drain their health. This lasts until the target is dispelled, or freed from the movement restriction by Hand of Freedom or equivalent. It is possible to avoid the transparent rotating cloud if you react fast enough.
F: The issue here will be two things, Healer mana, and boss HP. If the adds get their heals off, unless your DPS is insane, it’s almost a guaranteed wipe.

Halls of Origination
Notable Trash:
The very first pull, CC the target on the left and on the right, then Line of Sight behind the walls to pull the big caster at the back into melee range.
Pretty basic, however I mention it because the really big add at the back casts a flame aura which increases haste by 30%. To all ye Mages, you can Spellsteal this aura for a massive DPS boost. otherwise simply have it purged and dispelled.
Another thing to note, is that so far as I’ve seen in Cata’, ‘Meteor’ as an ability is simply a single target damage attack. Unlike previously, where damage was spread between all nearby targets.
Temple Guardian Anhuur
Divine Reckoning – Siphons 42750 to 47250 health from the target and nearby enemies within 15 yards after 8 sec.
Reverberating Hymn – A piercing hymn that deals 300 Holy damage to all enemy players within line of sight.
Shield of Light – Impervious to damage.
A: The boss will spawn blue patches of fire beneath a player’s feet. Goes without saying, move out of it.
B: At 66% and 33% the boss will cast Shield of Light, and become immune to all damage.
When this happens, choose a side of the bridge to leap off of, preferably the same side as the rest of the group, and attempt to activate the leaver on the far side of the snake pit.
Activating the lever is interrupted by physical damage, and Divine Shield does not last the full duration of the activation cast.
C: Once you’ve activated one lever, proceed under the bridge to the other side, and repeat the above step and activate the other lever.
D: Something to note, is that it is recommended the Healer stay on the bridge, and simply heal from up top. This will ensure they do not take any damage, and do not have to move.
Just be sure you don’t stop underneath the bridge and ponder why you died.
Also, as soon as the other lever is activated, have the healer cast any sort of instant cast, damaging spell on the boss. Moonfire, Holy Shock or other equivalents, as this will stop him from channelling Reverberating Hymn.
E: Reverberating Hymn is a spell only channelled while the boss has Shield of Light active. It stacks to infinity and does increased damage per stack. The longer you take to activate the levers and then damage the boss, the more damage you take.
F: The boss does not reset agro and can be tanked anywhere in the room. He teleports back to the starting position when he casts Shield of Light.
Earthrager Ptah
Flame Bolt - Periodically launches flame bolts in the air, dealing 7875 to 10125 damage.
Raging Smash – Inflicts 100% of normal melee damage to an enemy and its nearest allies, affecting up to 3 targets.
Stage Two:
Dustbone Horror: Smash – A strong attack that deals 125% weapon damage.
Quicksand – Deals 8000 damage every 3 seconds. Movement speed slowed by 50%.
3 Stage fight.
Stage One: 100% – 50%
Stage Two: Adds
Stage Three: 50% – 0%
A: Stage One and Three are identical. DPS the boss, avoid being cleaved, profit.
B: If the AoE damage becomes too much, pop a Cooldown. That includes the DPS. Enraged Regen isn’t just for PvP, neither is Deterrence, to name a few. Help a Healer, save a wipe.
C: Stage Two is full of adds. Stack up so they can be AoEd and Cleaved down.
Two Elite Dustbone Horror’s will spawn, along with 6 non-elite Jewelled Scarabs.
Let the Tank focus on the Horror’s and clear the adds as fast as you can.
D: Also to note for Stage two, is avoid quicksand. If it spawns, simply move out of it… as fast as you can.
E: The Troggs respawn. Pull as few as possible to save time.
F: Each of the Elemental Guardians leading up to the boss must be killed. They reside in alcoves on each side.
G: Nothing amazingly difficult or complex with these ‘Mini’ bosses; there is one boss for each element type, Fire, Air, Earth and Water. The Mini’s each have abilities similar to what you’d expect from elementals of their type. The wind boss has whirlwinds you have to avoid, the water one throws puddles of ‘Fire’ on the ground. Nothing hits amazingly hard, just stay focused. Remember to stay at the top of the stairs after you’ve killed the fourth mini and wait for the boss to appear.

Alpha Beams – Channels Alpha Beams at a random target, inflicting 9750 to 10250 damage to enemies within 0 yards of the target location every 0.5 sec for 3 sec.
Crumbling Ruin – Decreases max health by 10%. Stacks.
Nemesis Strike – Inflicts 50% weapon damage instantly and an additional 5850 to 6150 Shadow damage every 2 sec for 10 sec.
Omega Stance – Deals 5000 damage every 1 sec for 8 sec. Dazing all enemies in the area.
A: When you defeat the last of the four elementals before this boss, wait at the top of the stairs. The boss will appear, charge down the stairs and put an end to all of the Troggs.
B: Periodically the boss will cause clack and purple ‘Shadow Traps’ to spawn beneath a player.The placement of these needs to be controlled, and the boss slowly kited, as the traps will not despawn and eventually you will run out of room.
C: Occasionally the boss will channel Omega Stance. Now is a good time for defensive cooldowns. Yes, that means you.
Supernova – Isiset channels a supernova, causing all nearby enemies who look upon her to suffer 0 Arcane damage and wander blindly for 4 sec.
A: A multi-stage fight, consisting of multiple mechanics.
B: At 60% the boss will split into three NPCs.
Astral Rain – Summon a flurry of stars from the sky on all targets, each dealing 7499 Arcane damage.
Veil of Sky – Drapes the caster in a protective shield, absorbing up to 100000 damage drain mana instead of health. Also reflects 20% of magic spells.
Celestial Call – Summons Celestial Familiars.
C: Each of these NPCs have different abilities. Upon one’s death, Isiset will reappear, this time with the abilities of the NPCs you didn’t kill, and they will be stronger than before.
D: When the boss first splits, DPS Veil of Sky, as later in the fight, those abilities will cause the most chaos.
E: At 30%, when the boss splits again, only the two remaining NPCs you haven’t killed will return.
F: DPS Astral Rain.
G: For the last 30%, adds will continue to spawn. DPS watch your cleaves, and have the healer stack on the Tank to negate healing agro. Simply let the Tank pick up the adds, DPS burn the boss.
Consume Life Energy – Drain life and power, granting the caster Life Energy.

Rampant Growth – Ammunae releases all of his life energy, bestowing life to all nearby Seedling Pods, and dealing 29600 to 34400 Nature damage to all nearby enemies.
Wither – Reduces the attack and casting speeds of an enemy target by 60% and slows its movement by 60%. Lasts 10 sec.
A: A very easy boss when first attempted, I expect a buff of some sort before it goes live.
B: Throughout the fight, Seedling Pod adds will spawn at the feet of Ammunae.
These will continuously heal the boss and as such must be DPSed. Cleaves and AoEs.
If left alive, these transform into Bloodpetal Flowers, which unlike the Pods, need to be Tanked.
C: Noxious Spores can also damage the boss and the adds, in addition to players. A great way to clear the boss’ throng of adds, simply tank them in the orange stain.
Chaos Bolt - Sends a bolt of chaos at the enemy, dealing 10179 Chaos damage. Chaos Bolt cannot be resisted, and pierces though all absorption effects.
Seed of Chaos – Deals 3499 Shadow damage to all enemies within 15 yards and plants a seed of chaos, causing harmful abilities to deal an additional 15000 damage.
A: Periodically, Setesh will spawn two Void Portals which in turn summon a Void Sentinel, then at 10 second intervals, a Void Seeker, followed by Two Void Wurms.
B: Void Sentinels should be ignored by DPS.
Void Seeker’s must be Interrupted, it is not necessary to kill them. They will channel a spell which causes the target to become immune to Magic and Healing effects.
Void Wurms should die relatively quickly to Tank Damage and Cleaves.
C: The boss resets his agro table often, and without warning. DPS watch your health, have a cooldown ready. Tanks keep your Taunts on Cooldown and use them on the boss. Use ranged attacks to pull the Sentinels and cleaves to peel the Wurms.
D: He casts a spell with an animation similar to Shadow Crash from any Faceless NPC is Wrath, which leaves a large void zone on the ground. Apply the Void Zone rule, treat it like fire, and pull a runner. Standing in bad stuff is bad.
Sun Strike - A raging strike from the sun blister the enemy target, dealing 9652 Fire damage every 3 sec for 15 sec.
Inferno Leap – The caster will leap to a destination, dealing fire damage to surrounding units upon landing. 10 Sun Energy, 1.5 sec cast
Blessing of the Sun – The burning heat from the sun deals 4499 damage every second and increase damage done by 100%.
A: Interrupt Summon Sun Orb.
If one is summoned, avoid it as much as possible.
B: Avoid the whirlwinds roaming throughout the room.
C: Ranged and Healer need to spread out to avoid multiple targets for Inferno Leap.
If you are targeted by this, the boss will jump to your location, damaging you and knocking you back.

D: If you are targeted by this, you will gain a debuff which increases your movement speed by 50%. Use this to escape from the incoming flying boss.
E: When the boss channels Blessing of the Sun, he does not use any other abilities. DPS should save cooldowns for this, as damage done by players is increased by 100%.
AoE Damage is high, so use cooldowns and ensure the healer is AoE ready.

Lost City of Tol'Vir
General Husam
Bad Intentions – Charge with a cast time. Does a lot of damage to players in Husam’s path.
Shockwave – Inflicts ~25,000 Physical damage to enemies in a short cone in front of Husam.
Hammer Fist – Inflicts 75% weapon damage.
Mystic Trap – Drops visible Mystic Traps underneath random players.
Mystic Trap – Inflicts ~50,000 Fire damage to all players within the trap’s boundaries. Also knocks them back.
Detonate Traps – Detonates all Mystic Traps.
A: It is recommended you kill both groups of trash that are next to the boss as you will need that room to manoeuvre.
B: Shockwave has been altered slightly and now creates four clouds of dirt that form straight lines out from the boss in a random direction; much like Marrowgar’s flames. These clouds are harmless, but if you’re still standing in them when he finishes casting Shockwave, you will take large amounts of damage.
C: Mystic Trap is going to be the main ability that will cause concern. Your group will be spread out due to Bad Intentions however, it should be attempted to spread out only in one section of the room, so the group can move to the other while he detonates the traps.
D: As a Tank, remember not to line of sight the healer behind one of the pillars in the encounter area.
High Prophet Barim
Phase 1: Physical
Fifty Lashings – Barim’s next 10 melee attacks gain Five Lashings, increasing his damage by 5,000.
Plague of Ages – Inflicts ~8,000 Nature damage to a random player, as well as an additional ~5,000 every 2 seconds for 9 seconds (/confused). Jumps to nearby players after it expires or is removed.
Heaven’s Fury – Summons a Heaven’s Fury near a random player. Heaven’s fury does ~15,000 Holy damage through Heaven’s Fury.
Repentance – Pulls all players to himself, stunning them, and ripping the souls from their bodies. Initiates Phase 2 when Barim is at 50% health.
Phase 2: Spiritual
Repentance – The High Prophet will be immune to all damage for the duration of this phase.
Hallowed Ground – Deals ~10,000 Holy damage to players inside the Hallowed Ground.
Harbinger of Darkness – Barim summons a Harbinger of Darkness at the beginning of this phase.
Soul Sever – Rips a fragment of the target’s soul, summoning a weak add.
Wail of Darkness – Deals 7,000 Shadow damage to a random player.
Wail of Darkness – Deals ~28,000 Shadow damage to all players, returning them to the physical world. Cast when the Harbinger dies.
A: Phase 1 is about boss DPS. Kill the boss as fast as possible.
B: Spread out to avoid excess damage from Plague of Ages
C: The Tank must kite the boss away from the add.
D: During this phase a Phoenix will spawn, this add must be kited away from the boss at all times. When it dies, it transforms into an egg on 1 HP. Over time, the egg will heal, and upon reaching full HP, will transform back into the Phoenix. This continues throughout the phase.
E: It is possible to DPS the egg, which will stop the Phoenix spawning, usually this will not be required, but if your group is having trouble, it may be an option.
F: Heaven’s Fury is a beam of orange light from the sky, pretty difficult to miss; highly recommended that you do not stand in it.
G: Phase 2, Highest DPS priority is not the first add that appears, but the other, smaller adds that are fragments of player’s souls.
H: To end the phase, the Harbinger of Darkness must be killed, however if any of the soul fragments make it to the Harbinger, its damage will increase substantially, and possibly kill the Tank.
I: Avoid standing in Hallowed Ground.
J: Phase 1 resumes when the Harbinger dies.
K:The smaller swarm adds have a number of interesting abilities that you’ll need to watch out for. Nothing life threatening so long as you’re on your toes.

Lockmaw & Augh
Phase 1: The Croc
Dust Flail - Periodically smashes the ground with his tail.
Scent of Blood – Deals 1850 to 2150 bleeding damage every 2 seconds. Nearby hungry crocolisks can smell your blood! You are a prime target for attack.
Venomous Rage – Increases damage dealt by 25% for until cancelled.
Viscous Poison – Inflicts 20585 to 25415 Nature damage to an enemy target and their allies within 5 yards, slowing their movement speed by 30% and dealing 13875 to 16125 Nature damage every 2 seconds.
Phase 2: Augh
Dragon’s Breath – Targets in a cone in front of the caster take 18037 to 20962 Fire damage and are disoriented for 3 sec.
Frenzy – Attack speed increased by 60%. Damage increased by 60%.
Paralytic Blow Dart – Shoots a paralytic blow dart at the enemy, dealing 10221 to 11878 damage and then 4300 damage every 2 seconds. Also reduces haste by 40%.
Whirlwind – Deals 14137 to 15862 damage per sec. to surrounding enemies but slows movement speed by 35%.
A: When the croc is defeated, Augh will appear. Phase 2 will not start until hostile action is taken against Augh. This is a good time to mana up, rez, or rebuff.
B: Melee should DPS from the side, to avoid the tail smash.
C: When you’re marked by scent of blood, run to the Tank so they can collect the adds off you, then proceed to AoE them all down.
D: In phase 2, have the Tank face Augh away from the group.
E: A cooldown may be required for Frenzy.
F: Paralytic Blow Dart can be removed; it is classed as a Poison.
G: Move away from whirlwind.

Absorb Storms – Gathering energy from the storm.
Deflecting Winds – Spell deflection increased by 90%. Damage taken decreased by 90%.
Storm Bolt – Inflicts 7068 to 7931 Nature damage to an enemy.
Wailing Winds – Knocks enemies into the air, dealing 2775 to 3225 damage per second.
A: After the initial pull, and for the first half of the encounter, the boss will be shielded by Deflecting Winds.
B: During this time, adds will spawn, of two variations. A Melee and a Caster.
C: The Caster should be prioritised for DPS, as it casts chain lightning. Silences, stuns, whatever stops the cast, use it.
D: After a period of time, the boss will drop the wind shield and DPS should commence on him at this point.
E: Adds will continue to spawn, however, depending on your group’s gear, they may or may not be required to be killed.
F: The boss will place storms on the ground, which will slowly track towards players, stay out of them when possible.

Shadowfang Keep
Baron Ashbury
Asphyxiate—Baron Ashbury begins to suffocate all nearby enemies with the shadows, inflicting Shadow damage every 1 sec.
Wracking Pain—Baron Ashbury enjoys inflicting Racking Pain on his victims, inflicts 10000 Shadow damage and increases Shadow damage taken by 20% for 2 min. Stacks.
Stay of Execution—Baron Ashbury has pity on you, but only so he can continue inflicting pain! Heals all nearby enemies for 50% health.
Pain and Suffering—Baron Ashbury inflicts the target with Pain and Suffering, inflicting increasing Shadow damage every 0.5 sec.
Mend Rotten Flesh—Baron Ashbury mends his rotten flesh, healing for 10% of his total health.
Calamity—Baron Ashbury unleashes his true power, taking on the form of the Dark Archangel and bringing a Calamity on all nearby enemies inflicting 4875 to 5125 Shadow damage every 1 sec.
A: Asphyxiate will drop every player in the party to 1 HP.
B: Directly following this he will cast Stay of execution, which will heal the group, as well as the boss. It is advised to let this channel tick once or twice, as it will prevent any party members dying from RNG while at such low HP.
C: As soon as the healer feels comfortable with player health levels, interrupt the cast.
D: If your healer has an interrupt, Wind Sheer for example, it is advised to let them interrupt this spell, as they will know better than the rest of the group if player HP is manageable.
E: After Stay of execution, he will cast Pain and Suffering on a random party member. It is also a good idea to leave this one alone if you’re a DPS or a tank, as it’ll put your interrupts on cooldown. The healer can dispel his pain and Suffering cast of his target, interrupting the channel. Much like Warlock drains.
F: This is the recommended method as soon after this cast, he will attempt to cast Mend Rotting Flesh. This MUST be interrupted. Anyone and anything with an interrupt, stop this cast, at all costs.
G: When the boss reaches about 20% HP, he will gain a buff, Calamity, which has no max duration and does huge shadow damage to the entire group while cast. If you have Bloodlust or Heroism, now is the time to use it. Burn the boss.
H: During this final phase he will not use any of his normal abilities.
I: The big undead abom type mobs will fear. You may wish to drag them inside to avoid chaotic mass pulls.
Baron Silverlaine
Cursed Veil - The Cursed Veil inflicts 24375 to 25625 Shadow damage and reduces healing effects by 75% for 8 sec.
Summon Worgen Spirit – Baron Silverlaine summons an ancient Worgen Spirit to his aid.
A: Basically Tank and Spank.
B: Cursed Veil can be dispelled.
Commander Springvale
Power: Unholy Power – Unholy Power increases damage dealt by 10% and can be consumed to enable the use of fearsome abilities. Stacks up to 3 times.
Desecration – Defiles the ground at the feet of the caster. Grasping arms of the dead deal damage and hinder the movement of enemies in the area by 50%.
Malefic Strike – Strikes an enemy for 100% weapon damage, generating a charge of Unholy Power.
Shield of the Perfidious – Unleash Unholy Power in a torrent of energy in a cone in front of the caster, dealing 95 to 105 Shadow damage per 0.5 sec.
Word of Shame – Consumes Unholy Power to afflict an enemy with a powerful malady, dealing 5% of the target’s maximum health per 3 sec. Lasts until its caster has perished, or the target has.
A: Adds will spawn throughout the encounter, is recommended you kill them.
B: Word of Shame cannot be dispelled, and lasts until the encounter ends.
C: Move out of Desecration. It’s the green circle on the ground.
D: If you’re standing in Desecration when he casts Shield of the Perfidious in your direction, you’d better use a cooldown. If you’re not in Desecration, simply run through the boss.
Lord Walden
Conjure Mystery Toxin – Two Possible effects. 1) GREEN Debuff. A DoT which stacks while not moving. 2) ORANGE Debuff. Increases your Critical strike chance by 100%, and does AoE damage to the group.
Conjure Frost Mixture—Summons a frosty mixture that deals Frost damage and freezes the ground, dealing damage to enemy units within 15 yards of the target.
Conjure Poisonous Mixture—Hurls a poisonous mixture at the target and surrounding enemies, dealing 12000 initial damage and seeping into their skin for 5700 to 6300 damage every 5700 to 6300 seconds. Movement speed is slowed by 40%.
Ice Shards—Ice shards erupt in all directions, dealing Frost damage and creating ice patches that deal additional frost damage.
A: Remain spread out for Frost and Poisonous Mixtures.
B: Dodging the falling ice, from Ice Shards.
C: While he channels Mystery Toxin, never stop moving. If you stop moving, even to heal, 9 times out of 10, you’re dead.
D: The actual information available on Mystery Toxin is very little; just know that it will kill you.
Lord Godfrey
Cursed Bullets - Shoots a random enemy target with cursed bullets, dealing 47500 to 52500 Shadow damage. In addition, the target will take increasing shadow damage over time for 15 sec.
Mortal Wound – Inflicts 1500 damage per second to an enemy and leaves it wounded, reducing the effectiveness of any healing by 10% for 8 sec.
Pistol Barrage – Fires a constant barrage of bullets in a cone out from the caster. Any enemies within this area take 150 Shadow damage every second they remain inside. Lasts 6 sec.
Summon Bloodthirsty Ghoul – Summons one Bloodthirsty Ghoul nearby every 0.5 seconds for 3 sec.
A: Cursed Bullets has a 1 second cast time if you are fast enough to catch it, or if you have incredible latency. If not, it leaves a curse as a DoT which can be decursed.
B: Pistol Barrage is simply a cone attack, Tank the boss away from the group and simply side step the ability.
C: The adds he summons are particularly weak, simply cleave them down or use a small AoE.
D: Be careful when pulling the trash before the boss, he has been known to randomly agro mid combat. (Whether that was a mechanic, a bug, or a particularly un-skilled member .)

Stone Core
Crystal Barrage – Deals 2060 damage every 0.5 sec to all enemies with 5 yards of the target location. Lasts 4 sec
Dampening Wave – Deals 2575 Shadow damage to all enemies with 60 yards. In addition, targets will absorb up to 400 healing. This effect stacks up to 20 times. Dispelling this effect will remove the entire stack
A: Move out of Crystal Barrage.
B: When Crystal barrage is completely cast, crystal adds will spawn at the target location. AoE and ranged DPS them down. Do not Tank them. They explode on death.
C: For Phase 2 when the boss goes to ground, move out of dust clouds quickly, or he’ll nom your head off.
D: Adds spawned in Phase 2 should be DPSed down.
The next few pulls, after the first boss, may contain a large rock golem. He must be tanked facing away from the party and the Tank will need to avoid his Shockwave cast. This is done simply by jumping. At about 50% of his cast, jump and you should avoid the damage.
Crystal Storm - Deals 9425 to 10575 Nature damage to all enemies every 0.5 sec. Lasts 6 sec. This spell requires line of sight.
Sand Blast – Deals 25000 Nature damage to all enemies in front of the caster within 15 yards
Eruption – Deals 10000 Fire damage to all enemies within 5 yards. In addition, a pool of lava forms which deals 5000 Fire damage per second to all enemies with 5 yards. Lasts 10 sec.
Lava Pool – Deals 5000 Fire damage per second to all enemies with 5 yards. Lasts 10 sec.
A: Don’t stand in Lava Pools.
B: When the boss flies into the air, avoid black shadows on the ground to avoid falling rocks.
C: Don’t stand in front of the boss unless you like getting your face cleaved off.
D: When the boss goes to cast Crystal Storm, Line of Sight behind one of the fallen rocks. You need to be right against the rock for it to work.
Be very careful when pulling mobs before the next boss, they are very tightly packed and a single mistake can mean an entirely new group pulled.
There are humanoid mobs with very little HP who patrol these areas. They must be killed as fast as possible, or they will call more adds.
Elementium Bulwark – Charges the elementium plates grafted onto Ozruk, causing them to have a 100% chance to reflect spells for 10 sec.
Elementium Spike Shield – Causes spikes to errupt from Ozruk’s body. Any melee attacks made against Ozruk while under this effect causes the attacker to bleed for 0 damage per second for 3 sec. This effect stacks up to 20 times. Lasts 10 sec.
Enrage - Increases damage dealt by 50%.
Ground Slam – Winds up for a viscious ground strike, dealing 471250 to 528750 damage to all enemies within 8 yards of the impact location.
Paralyze - Stuns all enemies for 8 sec. If this effect runs its full course, it will deal 47500 to 52500 Arcane damage. This effect is removed if the target takes any damage.
Shatter – Launches the spikes protruding from Ozruk into surrounding enemies, dealing 141375 to 158625 damage to all enemies within 0 yards. In addtion, any targets casting spells will be interrupted for until cancelled.
A: Elementium Bulwark can be purged or dispelled.
B: Enrage is your usual deal, just have it dispelled.
C: Basically comes down to the Tank here. Dodge Shatter and try not to die.
D: A cooldown may be required if you cannot dispel the enrage.
E: Do not cast until Emelentium Bulwark has faded from the boss. The healer will have their hands full with the Tank, let alone trigger Happy DPS.
F: Tank the boss in the doorway, and run through for each cast of Shatter. He should be tanked facing away from the group.

High Priestess Azil
Curse of Blood - Increases the target’s Physical damage taken by 5000 for 15 sec.
Energy Shield - Deals 47500 to 52500 Arcane damage to all enemies with 0 yards, knocking them back. In addition, the caster becomes surrounded by an energy shield. This shield reduces all damage taken by 75% and allows the caster to fly.
Force Grip - Captures the target in a field of energy, lifting them up into the air and before slamming them into the ground. Each time the target is slammed into the ground they take 18850 to 21150 damage. This damage is not reduced by armor. Lasts 5 sec.
Seismic Shard – Rips a chunk of earth from the ground and hurls it towards a random player’s location. When the rock impacts this location, any friendly or enemy units within 0 yards will take 32987 to 37012 damage.
Summon Gravity Well – Summons an area of crushing gravity. Any friendly or enemy units caught within 0 yards will be pulled towards the center. This spell deals persistent damage to all enemies within range, causing more damage the closer the target is to the center of the effect. Lasts 20 sec.
A: Force Grip. Interrupt it. No questions, no excuses.
B: Gravity Wells, A.K.A. Void Zones. Position the group so they spawn in a controllable pattern, preferably between the group and the spawning adds.
C: Avoid dust clouds during air phase, easy enough to see, and she’ll throw rocks at you.

The Dead Mines
Just a quick note, if you see a cannon in the instance, jump in it. Used properly they are 50k+ DPS.
Arcane Power – Glubtok is filled with Arcane Power, launching fire and frost spells throughout the room.
Deep Freeze – Freezes nearby enemies in a block of solid ice.
Fire Blossom – A firey blossom deals Fire damage to an area and knocks enemies up a short distance.
Fists of Flame - Glubtok sets his fists afire, causing melee strikes to deal additional Fire damage and sometimes knock back nearby enemies.
Fists of Frost – Glubtok coats his fists with Frost, causing melee strikes to deal additional Frost damage and sometimes slow nearby enemies.
Frost Blossom - An icy blossom deals Frost damage to an area and slows enemy attacks and movement speed.
Greater Mass Teleport
A: A Two Phase fight in most regards, Glubtok will alternate between Fists of Frost and Fists of Fire for the first phase, and casts his teleport spell in between his fist changes.
B: The teleport works like blink, so it shouldn’t be tricky to find him afterwards.
C: At the start of phase two, he will freeze the entire party, and rise into the air.
D: Underneath him will spawn a firewall in a line.
E: This firewall will rotate around much like the Twilight Cutters in the Halion Encounter. Like Halion, these walls of flame grant an almost instant death if touched.
Helix Gearbreaker
Chest Bomb - There’s a bomb strapped to your chest! When the timer goes off, an explosion will deal heavy Fire damage to all nearby allies and knock the target high into the air.
A: The boss spends the first part of the encounter on the back of a Lumbering Oaf, throwing these Chest Bombs at players.
B: If you have a bomb strapped to your chest, attempt to move away from other players.
C: At points throughout the first part of the encounter, the Lumbering Oaf will choose a random player, pick them up, and then charge down the length of the wooden path in the middle of the room, slamming into the logs at the far end.
D: I have been told that anyone standing on the path as he runs down it will take some sort of damage and perhaps a knockback, but I haven’t taken the liberty of attempting to confirm or deny this using myself as a guinea pig. Right or wrong, it’s not difficult to take two steps in one direction or the other.
E: When the Lumbering Oaf dies, Helix will begin to jump from player to player, landing on their chest and planting more of his bombs.
F: This is similar to the adds on Northrend Beasts when fighting Gormok, only Helix is classed as being in front of the player he’s sitting on, and as such is able to be DPSed by them.
Foe Reaper 5000
Harvest – The Foe Reaper powers up its harvesting servos and moves towards the harvesting target, dealing heavy damage to anything in its path.
Harvest Sweep – The Foe Reaper attempts to harvest its target with a flourish, dealing Physical damage too all nearby enemies.
Overdrive – The Foe Reaper activates its overdrive engines. Deals Physical damage to all nearby enemies.
Reaper Strike - Deals Physical damage in a cone in front of the Foe Reaper.
Safety Restrictions Off-line – Deals Physical damage in a cone in front of the Foe Reaper.
A: At the top of the foundry is a Mechanical Harvester which is a vehicle that is required for the encounter.
B: It is recommended you assign a capable Melee DPS to use this machine, as it will lessen the healing that is required during the encounter.
C: To start the encounter, you need to activate the boss. This is done by simply killing all the adds that are around him in the foundry.
D: The boss has not one, but two cleaves and must be tanked facing away from the group.
E: Adds will spawn periodically throughout the fight, it is the job of the player in the Mechanical Harvester to deal with the adds, and should be ignored by everyone else.
F: Notes on the harvester, button one is your run of the mill melee attack, spam this to generate steam power to use ability two and three. There should really be no reason to use ability three at all, so ignore it. Ability two is a charge with a stun, no minimum range, and no cooldown. Use this ability once every 5 or so seconds when DPSing the adds and they will remain stun-locked, unable to move, or hurt the party.
G: Overdrive does AoE damage to anyone near the boss. If you’re melee dps, pop a cooldown, or move out of it.
H: Harvest is the most devastating ability of the encounter. The boss will choose a spot to ‘harvest’ and charge towards it, dealing massive amounts of damage to anyone in his way, or at the target location. His charge location is visible by a pulsing ring on the ground, much like the warnings for the rockets on Lootship in ICC.
I: At about 30% he removes all safety restrictions and does 100% more damage.
J: Bloodmages will cast Blood Zones. These zones, (big, red domes, are easy enough to see) have the effect of increasing modifiers on damage by 50%. This includes both damage dealt, and damage received. So Tanks stay out of them, and keep the mobs out of them, but DPS stand in the zones for more damage.
K: There is also an ability that is used which is cast on a random player and causes physical damage to anyone standing near that player. Keep aware, if you get it, move away from anyone else, if someone else gets it, move away from them.
Admiral Ripsnarl
Go For the Throat – Jumps at the target, inflicting 100% weapon damage and knocking the target down.
Swipe - A ferocious swipe that deals Physical damage to the target and up to three nearby enemies.
Thirst for Blood - Admiral Ripsnarl’s thirst for blood increases with each successful attack. (Ripsnarl’s thirst for blood increases his melee attack speed and movement speed for 10 sec.)
A:The boss cleaves. Tank him facing away from the group.
B: Thirst for Blood is a stacking buff which increases his attack speed as the encounter progresses.
C: Throughout the encounter, ghost adds will spawn. These adds have very small amounts of HP, and do very little damage. Kill them as soon as you see them. If they survive for more than a few seconds they will grow in size, and do a lot more damage.

“Captain” Cookie
Throw Food – Throws a random piece of food at the target, dealing Physical damage.
A: When aggroed, Cookie will charge out of the ship’s cabin and jump into his cauldron.
B: While in his cauldron, he will toss 3 types of food around the room, and at players.
Normal Food – Gives a Haste buff when eaten. Seems to stack to infinity.
Rotten Food – Gives nausea and a DoT when eaten. 3 stacks of Nausea will cause you to become stunned while puking.
Mystery Food – Provides a random buff when eaten. By random, I mean random. Really random.
C: Eat the good food, avoid the bad food. Pretty simple. The food appears on the ground and can be Right-Clicked and consumed. (Lightwell training simulator).
D: Rotten food creates a swirling green cloud, which does damage when stood in. Melee players may have to eat one or two rotten foods to avoid dying to the damage when DPSing the boss. Ranged and healers can simply run around the room.
Vanessa VanCleef (Heroic Only)
Backlash – Step through the shadows and slice the back of the enemy, dealing Physical damage over 10 sec.
Deadly Blades – Vanessa rapidly leaps from target to target, inflicting powerful wounds.
Deflection - Parry chance increased by 100%, chance for ranged attacks to miss you increased by 100%, 100% chance to deflect spells.
When the encounter begins after reading the letter Vanessa will be un-attackable and a short RP event will commence.Following the event, Vanessa will hit the entire party with a Nightmare Toxin, putting you into a nightmare.Inside the nightmare, the party is teleported back to the top floor of the Goblin foundry with the objective to make it back to the ship.
As soon as you appear in the foundry, attempt to hug the wall near the Ogre and the Goblin, you will be slowed, so react quickly.
When the event begins, fire will spawn all over the place, and ice will begin to fall from the ceiling, exactly like the gauntlet event before the final boss in Pit of Saron. Avoid the blue circles on the ground, avoid the fire, and move to the bottom of the foundry.
At the base of the foundry is the first miniboss.
When fighting this boss, ice will continue to fall from the ceiling, and fire will continue to spawn. Kite the boss to avoid the ice, the entire party should stack up and move as a unit, therefore reducing the impact of the falling ice, as it seems to enjoy targeting players.
As soon as the miniboss dies, have the entire group hug the door.
Hug the door tight enough and you can avoid aggroing the spiders which spawn a few seconds after the boss dies. Thus saving time.
When the doors open into the next area, you will see a number of spinning electric balls, like the first boss of the dungeon; avoid the electric balls as they will kill you.
As you run towards the end of the room, there is a boss at the end of the corridor. Do not engage him until your entire group is ready, your healer’s cooldowns are reset, and they are at full mana.
There is a piece of wooden machinery, about 30 yards from the boss. Standing next to this is a ‘safe’ zone, and you will not be hit by the spinning electricity balls, and you’ll still be able to DPS or heal for the miniboss encounter.
As soon as this boss dies, the final stage of the nightmare begins.
In this stage, the objective is to get to the top of the boat, without letting any of the friendly NPCs die.
When the door opens from the shock corridor, run quickly to the fighting NPCs at the end of the dock. The DPS should focus fire one target at a time, having someone mark a kill order here is recommended. The healer needs to forsake the party, and focus all heals on the friendly NPC.
If a friendly NPC dies, Vanessa will kill you in ‘the real world’ while you’re still in the nightmare. TL;DR: you wipe.
When all the adds have been killed, proceed quickly to the next NPC, and rinse repeat.
For the last NPC you have to keep alive, one of the adds is holding her out over the edge of the ship. It is on this add that I recommend you use Bloodlust, Heroism or Timewarp, as it will take a lot of effort, especially at lower levels of gear, to keep the friendly NPC from dying, and to kill the adds.
Anyone who can offspec heal may need to do so here. Boomkins, Ele Shaman, among others.
Once you save this final NPC, proceed to the top of the ship to fight Vanessa.
Vanessa will pull you out of the Nightmare and immediately engage you.
This part of the encounter is mostly Tank and Spank.
Periodically Vanessa will set the ship on fire, starting on one side, and spreading quickly to the other, engulfing the entire ship. Anyone still on the ship will be killed.
To get off the ship, 5 ropes will spawn on one edge, run up to the ropes, right click on the base of them, and you will jump off the ship, swinging on the rope as the fire dies down.
When you land back on the ship, combat resumes as per normal.
Rinse repeat until Vanessa is defeated.

Throne of Tides
Notable Trash:
Healers > Casters > Melee is the kill order. Use it. The healing trash in this instance can give you a headache if not handled properly.
At the top of the world’s slowest and most selective elevator, is a gauntlet event before the first boss.
Once you’ve pulled the first mob, the little murloc adds will continue to spawn until you’ve cleared the last of the major trash. Remember to CC and remember the kill order.
In the next room, careful when pulling the trash as a larger, more powerful add patrols through this area, give yourself plenty of time for each pull, he likes to drop by unannounced and cleave people’s faces.
Lady Naz’jar
Fungal Spores – Hurls deadly fungal spores at a random target, exploding on impact in a 0 yard radius. Any targets caught within this radius take 10000 Nature damage every 3 sec for 15 sec.
Geyser - Summons a Geyser at a random player’s location. After 5 seconds, this Geyser errupts, dealing 23750 to 26250 Frost damage and knocking back all enemies within 0 yards of the target area.
Shock Blast – Blasts the target with lightning, dealing 141375 to 158625 Nature damage.
Waterspout – Creates a whirling vortex of water, periodically knocking back enemies within 0 yards. In addition, the whirling water will deflect any spells cast at the caster and cause all ranged attacks to miss. Lasts 1 min.
At 66 and 33% she casts Waterspout and moves to the centre of the room. At this stage 3 adds wills spawn. 2 Casters and 1 Melee. The two casters should each be CCed, as they cast chain lightning which will rip a group apart. The melee can then be focused down.
While any of the adds are alive, and the boss has her Water Shield active, mini water tornados will spawn on the boss, about 5 at a time, and then proceed to move outwards towards the edge of the room. These must be avoided, as if they contact a player, that player becomes ‘stunned’ and is carried to the edge of the room while taking a steady stream of damage.
Interrupt Shock Blast as it will one shot an undergeared Tank.
This ability is on what seems to be a 30 seconds CD, which makes it fine for MM Hunters and or Mages to interrupt.

Commander Ulthok
Curse of Fatigue – Curses a random target, reducing their movement speed by 50% and haste by 50%. Lasts 15 sec.
Dark Fissure – Smashes the ground in front of the caster, dealing 56550 to 63450 Shadow damage to all enemies within 7 yards of the impact location. In addtion, a dark fissure will open at the targeted location which deals 9425 to 10575 Shadow damage per second to all enemies within 0 yards. Lasts 60 sec.
Enrage – The caster goes into a rage, increasing all physical damage dealt by 50% for 10 sec.
Squeeze – Lashes out, grabbing a random player and squeezing them for 12500 Shadow damage per second for 6 sec.
This boss has a ‘mechanic

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Cat Heroic Boss Info *SPOILERS* - by mistique - 12-26-2010, 11:48 PM

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