Healbot help needed
Any Healbot experts out there? I'm running Healbot For the last couple of revisions Healbot has been displaying charges of holy power on my health bar. I can't find any option to turn this "feature" off. Ideally I would like no icons, text, or other junk displayed on my Healbot health bars ever, other than the player's name.

I have read the Healbot wiki, which was not much help. Apparently there is a new slash command, /hb pcs, which can change the size of the holy power charge indicator. Maybe setting this to zero will turn it off? I was hoping there was some menu which would configure which things were displayed on health bars but I can't seem to find it.

Another addon topic that may not warrant its own thread: I am looking for a replacement companion addon for Buddy, which no longer works. Most companion addons do all sorts of things, but I am looking for something simple. I am about to test PetLeash to see how that works. Anyone have other suggestions?

"I may be old, but I'm not dead."

Messages In This Thread
Healbot help needed - by LavCat - 12-17-2010, 02:13 AM

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