Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
(12-14-2010, 09:33 PM)Gnollguy Wrote: I've watched it and enjoyed it. I'd never even heard of the graphic novel and honestly had no idea what it was going in. I enjoyed the style of the movie. The story was so-so.

I think a lot of that has to do with the time issue. A lot of the story elements in the books were cut and re-mixed to fit the length of a movie. Increasingly so towards the end.

Quote: The acting was solid, I actually had the most issue with Ramona. I think she was supposed to feel flat and withdrawn a lot, but she came off wooden in several scenes and I had no sense that she was supposed to be. But overall she was still good, I'm being a little nit picky with the criticism.

I think again, it's that pesky time issue. While the actors didn't do too bad of a job, because of the shorter timeframe of the movie many of the characters can come off as one note.

Quote:and some of it might have been because the end was a bit rushed, but I don't believe Scott fully got it, and Ramona was still running and I saw nothing that showed she was going to change. Too me the story was about both of them coming of age, not just Scott. I saw Scott learning some, but it still felt like he missed the big picture and only learned a bit about self respect and love.

It's the rushed thing again. Those things you mentioned are fully explored in the graphic novels IMO. Also, Nega-Scott. Nega Scott in the books was not played for laughs at all, and about as humourous as that scene when Luke confronted the image of Vader in Dagobah. Which isn't supposed to be funny. At all.

Quote: The framework of Pilgrim wasn't quite as good as what Star Wars was and the story was even weaker. But again I still liked it. Smile

It's not entirely bad, and yes there are definitely enjoyable parts in it for sure. I agree with you the movie version framework is unfortunately not that good, and gets increasingly rickety as it gets closer to the end. Though to repeat my broken record recommendation, book version is IMO better. (And I'm saying this as a fan of Edgar Wright the director, and the author\artist B.L. O'malley.)

Again without spoiling it too much, the things that was hinted\left out\chopped and re-mixed due to time constraints is more fully explored and examined in the graphic novel. So if you enjoy the movie, it might be worth checking out if your local library has the books. (Book 6, the last volume of the series is worth it for the comedy scene alone. That and the end boss fight. Movie version of Gideon vs Scott, is IMO a pale imitation of what happened in the book.)

Now, where did I put that brain bleach so I can scrub out the memory ingram of R2D2 rocket boots and Lil Ani Vader yelling Lazer Swords!111!

Ok, enough bad Starwars reference.

Here's Kim Pine in a mini comic.

Messages In This Thread
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World - by Ziig - 08-21-2010, 01:36 AM
RE: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World - by kandrathe - 08-21-2010, 03:10 AM
RE: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World - by VinnieJones - 08-21-2010, 05:35 PM
RE: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World - by Taem - 08-23-2010, 12:20 AM
RE: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World - by kandrathe - 08-23-2010, 02:27 AM
RE: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World - by Hammerskjold - 12-14-2010, 10:23 AM
RE: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World - by kandrathe - 12-14-2010, 04:12 PM
RE: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World - by Kevin - 12-14-2010, 09:33 PM
RE: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World - by Hammerskjold - 12-15-2010, 01:14 AM

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