Yet another "Windows is driving me nuts" thread
Just In Time debugging is a Windows feature intended to let you attach a debugger to a failed program so that it can be examined before you let it die. This is an alternative to the classic "X has encountered an error and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience" dialog. Assuming that the VS7JIT mentioned is legitimate, this means that you have some buggy program that keeps dying and Windows is offering you a chance to debug it. If you were the author (or a dedicated tester for the author), this would be very handy. As an end user, it is just an annoyance. VS7JIT is not the problem. It is the solution to a problem with some as-yet-unidentified program, which may or may not be malicious. Next time it happens, please put the JIT window aside and grab a full process list. Then dismiss the JIT window as you have done before and collect another list. Compare the two to see which process(es) were present in the first and absent in the second. This may allow us to determine which program keeps dying. A screenshot of the JIT window could also be helpful. It has been a long time since I had anything die on me like that, but I thought that it included text on the window that indicates what died.

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RE: Yet another "Windows is driving me nuts" thread - by [vL]Kp - 12-11-2010, 06:31 PM

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