Yet another "Windows is driving me nuts" thread
If it isn't something masquerading as VS7JIT.EXE, then that is part of the visual debug kit. It can be including in self executing apps that use the .net framework so you don't need to have the full Visual Studio installed. Office Professional can also end up installing it depending on your selections.

You should actually be able to remove it, from the Add/Remove programs options, though you may have to remove the parent program that installed it (.net framework, visual studio .net runtime, the extra debugging options in MS Office, usually installed with Excel or Publisher).

You could also reboot in safe mode, delete the file (typically in C:\Program Files\Common Files\debug though can be in other sub folders). Check task manage for the process, and kill it, then reboot.

However since it isn't a standard windows file, as mentioned several virus will take the name in which case removal can be trickier. Chesspiece_face mentioned a few utilities can also be quite helpful.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.

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RE: Yet another "Windows is driving me nuts" thread - by Kevin - 12-04-2010, 02:36 AM

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