11-30-2010, 02:52 PM
Wow... the 22 slot bag is going to be very expensive. 15 bolts of cloth, and 15 enchanting dust?!
I'm not really excited about that
Though, you could be stuck like ENG right now.... it looks like getting from 455 to 470 we will be making everyone cheap goggles for their alts, 470 to 495 we will be flooding the market with scopes, and from 495 to 515 we will be flooding it with Non Combat Pets.
I'm not really excited about the "depth" of the professions so far. I have looked over ENG, Enchanting, and Alchemy. So far, ENG and Enchanting look far less "fleshed out" than Alchemy.
I'm not really excited about that

Though, you could be stuck like ENG right now.... it looks like getting from 455 to 470 we will be making everyone cheap goggles for their alts, 470 to 495 we will be flooding the market with scopes, and from 495 to 515 we will be flooding it with Non Combat Pets.
I'm not really excited about the "depth" of the professions so far. I have looked over ENG, Enchanting, and Alchemy. So far, ENG and Enchanting look far less "fleshed out" than Alchemy.
nobody ever slaughtered an entire school with a smart phone and a twitter account – they have, however, toppled governments. - Jim Wright