Every company should be like Logitech
(11-11-2010, 04:19 AM)Mirajj Wrote: That's what I felt, too. Just get some twitchy game (I think I used the original SC...), play some on single player, expect to get beat on for a while, and it'll feel natural pretty quick. At least, it did for me. ymmv, of course. Wink

You sound like a drug-dealer. "C'mon man, just try it once."

To that I say NEVER! I shall not dabble in your witchery. Fingers and thumbs are meant to click buttons. I am shocked - SHOCKED, and OFFENDED that you are trying to get me to actually TOUCH the ball-shaped element with my actual fingers. It's obscene, and against the natural order of interactive computing devices. What you are suggesting is an abomination and I shall not succumb.

Messages In This Thread
Every company should be like Logitech - by DeeBye - 11-09-2010, 03:37 AM
RE: Every company should be like Logitech - by DeeBye - 11-11-2010, 05:33 AM
A wet keyboard is usually fixable. - by --Pete - 11-12-2010, 09:16 AM

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