10-12-2010, 10:37 AM
(10-12-2010, 12:49 AM)Lissa Wrote: Gharoufint is the biggest pansy on Stormrage. He's notorious for ganking people, but as soon as his gank turns around on him, he's gone. Can't handle being killed.
It saddens me that most of the good Horde PvPers have either left Stormrage or switched factions to Alliance and now we're left with dregs like Gharofint, Kraytos, and others for Horde PvP on the server (I expect Lazypeon to outright give up soon and either switch servers or switch factions).
Ghaorufint got me tonight fair and square! Don't tell my friends at DEHTA, but many worgs have gone into buff food for my rogue in Wintergrasp. Tonight however she had left a battleground with a good food buff and did not want to waste it on tracking humanoids. Her mistake.
She was taking out tower cannons at the start, and on the fourth cannon Ghaorufint got her with all kinds of tenacity and a shield slam from behind. From recount, Ghaorufint did not attack any other players, so perhaps he didn't stick around. It was a total Horde rout as usual.
It took me a while to realize Ghaorufint must use invisibility potions, since my warlock is the only one of my characters to notice him hearthing out in the middle of a firefight. He may not be the best sport, but I would not say he is doing anything wrong. My baby druid was fishing in Wintergrasp and hence fair game.
I think you and I may have different levels of tolerence for what goes on in PvP, remembering our workshop roof discussion. I hold that almost anything is fair in love and warcraft, or at least in warcraft. Where I draw the line is taking battleground objectives before the gates are open, as I saw tonight in AB (and it was Alliance doing it). To me that is clearly an exploit.
Maybe ideas are changing? I know in the past Bolty has written against the practice of graveyard camping, but unless I am very much mistaken Bolty was recently next to me in the Horde graveyard (healing everyone but me).
Camping a character 35 levels lower all night is somewhat different, which is why I stopped playing much on Tichondrious.
Playing a rogue in PvP, as I've only been doing about a week, gives me more of a perspective. In AV tonight I waited patiently for a Horde mage to clear out all the mobs from Coldtooth mine. Then when the mage was at half health and out of mana, I did what rogues are paid to do. Plus I was delighted to find the mobs in AV carry heavy junkboxes!
In AB a druid was behind our flag defender, but my rogue was behind the druid. Fun. (I should add, in another AB a Horde rogue was behind me when I attacked, but such is life.)
I also don't think it's nice to mock other players, but tonight I saw a priest in Wintergrasp at Eastspark jumping around with Holy Nova. Clearly the priest must have heard me, so I laughed. I wasn't about to attack because the priest had 8 tenacity. Then an Alliance combat rogue rode up, didn't even stealth, and started waling on the priest. I felt like a coward. It took me a few seconds to get in position, but I stole the kill with an over 10K ambush crit.
Lazypeon I have not seen in quite a while. Maybe he has a life.
"I may be old, but I'm not dead."