Subtlety Rogue Strategy
My roguelet is up to 78 and has started doing Wintergrasp. Some things are working, some things are not.

I'm pleased to report my "drop like a rock" macro is battle tested and working as intended. After one Wintergrasp we flew over a hunter low on health. One click dismount, parachute and stealth. Second click Premeditation/Ambush crit. Two button solution.

During the battle we mostly wander around after the towers are down looking for targets of opportunity. Tonight we saw a mage alone, with only 8 stacks of tenacity. The mage had his mind on a demolisher (or at least that's what he was targeting). Elynittria opened with Ambush and Kidney Shot, then ate the Dragon's Breath, Cloaked the Living Bomb, vanished, and ran away. The mage destroyed the demolisher, but by that time was low on health. Elynittria was almost dead herself. It did not look like there would be a second chance. A Shadowstep/Ambush crit finished off the mage.

I'm pleased that in Wintergrasp Ambush has been critting at 66%, against presumably well geared opponents two levels higher.

What does not work is Shadow Dance: I don't know how to use it. I have read everything that I can find, most of which is outdated or wrong. Suggestions would be welcome. I think I know how Shadow Dance is supposed to work, but that doesn't help.

Her spec is:

I'm also wondering where to put the last three talent points, assuming she lives that long. Yes, I know everything is about to change. I've been thinking of Improved Gouge.

Edit: Spelling/grammar/lack of sleep/name of mage spell
"I may be old, but I'm not dead."

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Subtlety Rogue Strategy - by LavCat - 10-02-2010, 06:03 AM

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