09-18-2010, 12:13 AM
Well, now, I did say I use the units that are convenient. Where I live, the Euro, or Lira, or Baht, or Piastra, or Pound, or Peso, or . . .
But I think it is wonderful how the rest of the world has standardized on one unit of currency. It's just so necessary for international trade.
(09-17-2010, 09:55 PM)Zenda Wrote: I wonder if the next installment will also address the shortcomings of that other decimal, one-size-fits-all unit which surely plagues your daily life, the dollar
Well, now, I did say I use the units that are convenient. Where I live, the Euro, or Lira, or Baht, or Piastra, or Pound, or Peso, or . . .
But I think it is wonderful how the rest of the world has standardized on one unit of currency. It's just so necessary for international trade.

How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?