Where is 1% of the American adult population?
(09-01-2010, 05:10 PM)kandrathe Wrote:
(09-01-2010, 04:01 PM)Lissa Wrote: Yes, but what were their 2 prior felonies? The three strikes law goes into effect when you've commited two felonies, felonies aren't minor offenses. The three strikes law is also meant for career criminals as well. If you can't be rehabilitated after two felonies, why should we, the law abiding citizens of the US, keep allowing you to come out and commit further offenses?
"he had been convicted of petty theft, residential burglary, transportation of marijuana, and escape from prison." -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockyer_v._Andrade

I disagree with laws, such as this three strikes law, or mandatory minimums which remove imposition of appropriate sentences from the Judicial process. Some notorious cases where given lenient sentences, so like many other laws, we create edicts to control peoples behavior, and in this case judicial discretion. Rather than reform the judiciary, we tie up their hands.

Yes, and if you had read that wiki article, you would see that he had been in and out of jail for almost 2 decades when the 3 strikes law was instituted on him. He was a career criminal and had not been rehabilitated in the almost two decades he'd been in and out of jail. He'd been given plenty of chances to rehabilitate, he choose not to.
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RE: Where is 1% of the American adult population? - by Lissa - 09-01-2010, 05:24 PM

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