Net Neutrality--Google--Fairness Doctrine.
(08-18-2010, 11:23 PM)Jester Wrote: This is where I get a strong flavour of paranoia. You're talking about what you obviously see as a process that we can understand from known examples. But you are throwing together an enormous range of examples, and stretching them far beyond their limits.

I also see an example of when someone seems to be ignorant about something, they seem to get louder and more insistent that they're right.

(Hint, I'm not talking about your post.)

Quote:Where? When? This is a paranoid fantasy, propagated to get us properly hating the designated enemy of the month. It's not much different from McCarthyism.

You object strenuously when Pete tells you you're being discriminatory. But I'm afraid I have to agree: this smells.

For what little ducats it's worth, I grew up in one of the 'scary' countries mentioned here. No, I'm not a muslim. I did remember getting told by someone in school that I was going to hell because I'm not a muslim. I remembered some people threw stones at me because of my perceived 'otherness'*. *That otherness does not only include whether or not I was muslim, there are many complex factors at play. My family had to move houses because the nearby mosque was blaring prayer calls at 5 am.

So understand that I'm pretty far from an islam apologist or blind sympathizer. Nor am I some PC defender of 'sacred cows'. (Though funny how some folks are all 'I'm just telling the truth without the PC BS', but when it comes to -their- sacred cows, suddenly we all need to respect and kowtow to their holy bovines.)

But understand this. Anyone that starts blathering that Islam (or any other religion) is one monolithic front and is a 100% reliable indicator of evil intent, is talking out of their ass. IMO of course. (After all I only spent most of my childhood in a country where it had muslim majority, what do I know compared to someone who gets his info from political talking points. Not much, obviously.)

Things are much more complex than Muslim=Goldstein=Enemy!!!11 It's a sure bet IMO anyone that seriously spouts teabag talking points is either being intellectually lazy, or ignorant beyond belief.

But more important than that, it fails so flakking hard from a pragmatic point of view. This kind of ignorant fear based thinking does not produce anything worthwhile. It doesn't make anyone safer, it doesn't pinpoint the bad guys with any reliable metric.

Unless you happen to think that things like internment camps for Japanese American citizens are a good thing, only foul things can be the end result of this kind of 'thinking'.

But hey, what am I saying. We're beyond all that now right, it's 2010. No need for barbaric backwards internment camps. Why not visit every muslims in the west, and inject them with a microchip RFD tag. Similar to pets. That is way more reliable than some insanely stupid idea like requiring them to have special ID's. (Soooo ww2 passe')

That way, we can track wherever they are. And more importantly, screen out the moderates from the fanatics. If they object to RFD tagging, they're obviously fanatics. Tag and bag. If they don't, well they're just hiding in plain sight and biding their time, at least we have them tagged.

There. Solved the sticky Islam problem. Next.

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