Net Neutrality--Google--Fairness Doctrine.
(08-18-2010, 11:23 PM)Jester Wrote: You say this has happened:

Quote:Even in our secular societies, an underground 2nd tier of Islamic authority can through fear and intimidation subjugate the non-Islamic population into Dhimmitude.

Where? When? This is a paranoid fantasy, propagated to get us properly hating the designated enemy of the month. It's not much different from McCarthyism.

You object strenuously when Pete tells you you're being discriminatory. But I'm afraid I have to agree: this smells.
Has it happened (underground) in parts of Europe, yes. Is it happening in parts of Europe, yes. I'm sure if I or you dig around the news enough you will find those who are punished in Denmark, or London, Germany, or the Netherlands justified by Fatwah, or Sharia. The perpetrators of the murders, and Sharia justified punishments are not seen as criminals, but as praiseworthy adherent Jihadists.

Consider Malmo. Consider Theo Van Gogh. Consider honor killings in Canada, in the US, in most of Europe. Consider Sabatina James. Consider the threats over Danish Cartoons, or South Park.

If I'm discriminatory, it is brutality and Sharia that I'm against. I'm against people who do not accept my, or your, or Pete's lifestyle at face value, and want us to conform to their rules of "decency". The fine line here is in accepting them when they are conforming to our notions of society, but rejecting what I consider barbarism. If Rauf denounces the implementation of Sharia in America, then I could support him. As it stands, he wants to implement Sharia courts here, and I won't support that, or him until he clearly changes his position.
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

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