(08-18-2010, 11:08 PM)kandrathe Wrote: We haven't faced the level of Islamification that the Europeans have. But, look to Thailand, Indonesia, Iran, Turkey, etc, etc, etc, for the impact of the Islamic Revival when a tipping point occurs. Even in our secular societies, an underground 2nd tier of Islamic authority can through fear and intimidation subjugate the non-Islamic population into Dhimmitude. Full legal sanction of Sharia would follow tacit complicity. Maybe it can't happen here. But, I bet they thought that way in London, and in Marseilles in the past as well.
This is where I get a strong flavour of paranoia. You're talking about what you obviously see as a process that we can understand from known examples. But you are throwing together an enormous range of examples, and stretching them far beyond their limits.
What happens in Turkey, Indonesia, or Iran, all countries that are Islamic, and have been for five centuries, is not the endpoint of some continuous process that applies to the UK or France. There is no encroaching process of Dhimitude, if that concept even has any applicability at all in the modern world. There is no takeover, no tipping point. In Islamic countries, more religious political groups dominate sometimes, and less religious ones at other times. (You'd think the US would be quite familiar with that process.) In non-Islamic countries, there is no Sharia law, except in some places as a part of a religious tribunal system, and *strictly subservient* to the existing legal structure. They are not "taking over". I don't like them either, but neither do I buy the idea that this is some uniquely dangerous problem.
You say this has happened:
Quote:Even in our secular societies, an underground 2nd tier of Islamic authority can through fear and intimidation subjugate the non-Islamic population into Dhimmitude.
Where? When? This is a paranoid fantasy, propagated to get us properly hating the designated enemy of the month. It's not much different from McCarthyism.
You object strenuously when Pete tells you you're being discriminatory. But I'm afraid I have to agree: this smells.
Afterthought: The notion that I am, in any meaningful sense, like the two moderate Muslims you describe, is risible. We are all Canadian, and roughly speaking, on the left. Me and about ten million other people.