(07-20-2010, 05:45 PM)Jester Wrote: Or, y'know, a repugnant fringe who was the public face of the movementThe umbrella of 'tea party' is gigantic, and yes, even [in]famous people do stupid things, and the movement excises them and moves on. For example, I like Victoria Jackson as a comedian, but she is not the best representative of the tea party movement. I think even Sarah Palin has some admirable qualities, in that home spun, ranchers wife moxie sort of way. I don't know many women who'd be comfortable skinning a moose. I'm hoping she'll get more comfortable in public and shed the "fantastic plastic super smiley persona" she wears on camera, and learns to reveal her inner human.
Looking at liberal icons... Bill and Hillary are a kettle of cold fish; Bill must be hard to support if you harbor any support for the equality of women, and Hillary tends to be harsh and shrill, and occasionally nice when her game face is on. Then there are the famous ones, like Rosie O'Donnell, "Don't fear the terrorists. They’re mothers and fathers."
AND... looking at conservatives... Rush Limbaugh is hard to like, polarizes opinion and probably drives more people to the liberal camp than he might attract to the conservative one, and the ones he attracts tend to be impolite, abrasive, boors like him. Too much mouth, not enough cogitation.
Basically, many famous people, who end up on our radios or TV screens, don't have a very developed filter between their brains and their mouths. What makes them entertaining is our fascination with their cheeky banter, until it gets to serious topics. Add alcohol, or drugs, and it's 10 times worse.
Perhaps, this "entertainment" aspect is the worst of it. I pine for the days when you chose candidates based on their actual record of accomplishments, and their written thoughts, rather than packaged meaningless sound bites, and campaign commercial mud slinging contests.
Who should I pick for President, the racist, or the communist?