Any good Paladin Builds out there?
General Build comments: This was first made in LoD beta, then attempted in softcore with Tri-Stan and his Rogue Isolde. :) The original variant required points in Charge and Vengeance, as any time the Isolde died, Tri-Stan was required by his role to select Vengeance and have at whatever nefarious demon killed his true love. :) Usually with his Lance. Needless to say, against MSLEB's, this could produce quite a few red screens. :)



Mercenary: Rogue. Prefer Cold, but the key is to equip her with a socketed bow and elemental damage. Circlets with elemental damage. Socketed armor with charms, if you get lucky enough to find them. (Optional Merc: Act III Fire or Cold. You do the electricity.)

Zeal to taste: I went for 4 points.
Holy Shock: 20
Vengeance: 20
Conviction: 10+, to taste
Charge: one point, but it is really handy in the Frigid Highlands. :)
Concentration: 1 more if you want it (Frenzy replaces if you want to take that optional)
Salvation: 1
Sanctuary: 1 min, more to taste. This just makes Act II Hell less painful, and can irritate OK's in the CS by knocking them back while your Rogue Shoots holes in them. :)

A few more points in Pre reqs.

A point in Smite, and at least one in Holy Shield.

Equipment: Key item is the 4 socketed round Paladin shield with 4 perf diamonds, if you are lucky enough to find it. Absent that, Ancient's Pledge is a suitable substitute.

Weapon: ITD is handy if you can find it for Holy Shock to hit every time. Or, any weapon/equipment combination with good AR boosts.

Second Weapon: Lance/Pike, Bow, Crossbow, or Javelin/Throwing Spear/Harpoon and Shield. Lance would be for Charge or vengeance, the other three to use as a Ranger with Holy Shock.

Note on Bows: Some of the unique bows, if you find them, fire magic/always hit, arrows: Wizen Draw, Kako Shokaku(SP?) etc. Others pierce, which with Holy Shock can make for some interesting damage versus mobs in a line.

Other equipment to taste.

Stats. Pick an armor, and a sword, aim strength for that. I like to use three socketed Rune Swords with King's Grace, but that is a Personal Choice. Hexfire has ITD, which is nice, Steel speeds up attacks and at higher levels the Open Wounds is a nice feature, if not Uber.

If you are not going to rely on special bows, give Dexterity a healthy investment, at least 100.

If Hard core, do not hold back on the Vitality. Strength is not as important as to hit, except insofar as armor is concerned.

Holy Shock is your bread and butter skill, with Vengeance useful for bosses, for being able to avoid Zeal lock in tight tactical situaitons where you want to hit and move, and Sanctuary is for Undead mobs, particularly in Hell Difficulty.

The other EEPish build I had on West went this way.

Holy Shock 20
Blessed Hammer 20
Concentration 20
Holy Freeze MercenaryBow as back up weapon.
A point in Smite and four in Holy Shield.
This guy had the incredible luck to find an Angelic amulet, armor and saber. I traded a pgem for the ring, and had the complete set. You can't count on that sort of luck, so a build that focuses on Mana, such as possible Civerb's Set early on and maybe a trade for Frost Burns, could help with the Mana drain on the BH. On this guy, Strength stayed quite low, Dex was just enough for a bow, and Vitality got pumped. I only had Energy at 50 by the time I lost him, but was moving it up to help support the Hammer Habit.

Circlets and amulets of +3 offensive paladin auras are your friend with this Set up. :)

This versatile little fellow worked OK until I screwed up tacticaly against a Hell MSLEB with a bow in my hand. Can you say negative resists? OUCH! "Your deeds will be remembered!" Right, your damned foolishness will be remembered, Occhi!
Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete

Messages In This Thread
Any good Paladin Builds out there? - by Zakarum - 02-28-2003, 03:22 AM
Any good Paladin Builds out there? - by kandrathe - 02-28-2003, 05:30 AM
Any good Paladin Builds out there? - by Tommi - 02-28-2003, 08:16 AM
Any good Paladin Builds out there? - by Occhidiangela - 02-28-2003, 04:17 PM
Any good Paladin Builds out there? - by Zakarum - 02-28-2003, 04:45 PM
Any good Paladin Builds out there? - by kandrathe - 02-28-2003, 05:40 PM
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Any good Paladin Builds out there? - by kandrathe - 03-07-2003, 09:55 PM
Any good Paladin Builds out there? - by RogueMage - 03-08-2003, 10:40 AM

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