Can anybody consolodate info on slvl breakpoints?
Quote:could someone please teach me how to read mpq files?

Do you already know how to have the various .txt files extracted? If not, go to the Phrozen Keep, they now have a couple handy links right on the sidebar of the main page with the tools and guide for beginners.

If you already have the tools and such that you need, just open skills.txt with an Excel type program. Just about the last few columns will have the Hit Shift first, then MinDam, MinLevDam1-5, MaxDam, MaxLevDam1-5, then EType, and EMin/Max 1-5. All the damages after the Hit Shift are affected by the Hit Shift. The formula is: listed_dmg*(2^hitshift)/(2^8). But what that means simply is if Hit Shift = 8, the damage is unmodified, if it is 7, divide by 2, if 6, divide by 4, (then if 5, divide by 8 etc.) Unless it is a frame-based attack like poison or some Fire attacks (Firewall etc.) the hitshift will usually be 7 or 8, maybe 6. If the damage is physical, then it will use the next 12 columns, if elemental, the later 12. MinDam and MaxDam give the damage at level 1. Then Min/MaxLevDam1 gives the min/max increase each skill point from slvl 2-8. LevDam2 gives the increase per slvl from slvl 9-16. Lev3 = slvl 17-22, Lev4 = slvl 23-28, Lev5 = slvl 29+.

Hope that helps

- Dagni

Messages In This Thread
Can anybody consolodate info on slvl breakpoints? - by Dagni - 07-05-2003, 11:18 PM

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