07-05-2003, 12:44 PM
>- Missionaries . . . practically the same old rubbish to be avoided as before, although didn't Conversion used to take a kill to convert?
I'm not sure if it did in the very early versions, but I can confirm for D2C 1.09 at least, it does not take a kill to convert. Just a successful to hit check with the skill I think. I believe it's the same case for LoD, but don't quote me on that.
>Long story short, the biggest problem is the Synergies that are basically a fat ugly puddle of liqified crap. Another great problem is the point splitting both in skills and attributes guide the player in very tightly defined grooves, so much choice is gone. Thirdly, the Defensive Auras are as useless as ever in picking up the grand total of one very marginal upgrade and I say "marginal" purely because stronger monster actually reinterpret Prayer back into a net downgrade.
I was hoping the idea of synergy properly implemented, would bring out more variety in playstyle and put less emphasis on "itamz". But if the current situation only amplifies what it was before, I doubt anyone would be in a rush to put more skill points in pre-requisites or less popular skill branch, simply for a synergy boost. The planned exp penalty for clvl 70 doesn't help either. I think players would be more stingy with their points spending, not less.
>PS. And those Sorceress characters were on Players 1. The Amazon could do Players 8 and the defining factor was purely the difference between a maxed Valkyrie (unkillable like never before)
Heh, was any of the new ranged attacks AI pose a threat to her? I read that supposedly monsters will no longer target just the summons or nearest targets.
I gotta admit though, the synergy looks interesting on paper at least. Especially to my D2C Fanatical Martyr who Redeems part time.
I'm not sure if it did in the very early versions, but I can confirm for D2C 1.09 at least, it does not take a kill to convert. Just a successful to hit check with the skill I think. I believe it's the same case for LoD, but don't quote me on that.
>Long story short, the biggest problem is the Synergies that are basically a fat ugly puddle of liqified crap. Another great problem is the point splitting both in skills and attributes guide the player in very tightly defined grooves, so much choice is gone. Thirdly, the Defensive Auras are as useless as ever in picking up the grand total of one very marginal upgrade and I say "marginal" purely because stronger monster actually reinterpret Prayer back into a net downgrade.
I was hoping the idea of synergy properly implemented, would bring out more variety in playstyle and put less emphasis on "itamz". But if the current situation only amplifies what it was before, I doubt anyone would be in a rush to put more skill points in pre-requisites or less popular skill branch, simply for a synergy boost. The planned exp penalty for clvl 70 doesn't help either. I think players would be more stingy with their points spending, not less.
>PS. And those Sorceress characters were on Players 1. The Amazon could do Players 8 and the defining factor was purely the difference between a maxed Valkyrie (unkillable like never before)
Heh, was any of the new ranged attacks AI pose a threat to her? I read that supposedly monsters will no longer target just the summons or nearest targets.
I gotta admit though, the synergy looks interesting on paper at least. Especially to my D2C Fanatical Martyr who Redeems part time.