The StarCraft® II beta is coming!
Hi...> I'm in the Beta...DL was 1.6GBs at 3am it took 12 minutes, servers are down, hmmm sounds like good old BLIZZARD :w00t:

Quote:Welcome to the StarCraft II Beta Test!
You are among the first in the world to try out the next generation of and participate in the StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty beta test. Your feedback is an important part of this beta. Please let us know what you think by pressing the “Feedback” button within to send us any comments, feedback, or suggestions on StarCraft II or the new service.
Quote:The beta isn't just coming; it's already started.

Edit: Added the url since just me saying it doesn't make it true. =)

Your right, so much for cut & paste. I got so excited I did not read my Newsletter from FilePlanet :blush:

StarCraft 2 - Wings of Liberty Beta Client US:
Anyone that received a StarCraft 2 Beta key from Blizzard and has a account can download this beta installer and be one of the few gamers to experience StarCraft 2 Wings of Liberty.

Quote:The StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty Beta Test Has Begun

Blizzard Entertainment is pleased to welcome all of our beta testers to the first phase of the StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty beta test. You will have an early opportunity to play, test, and experience the online multiplayer aspect of StarCraft II, as well as get a first look at the newly revamped

The new StarCraft II beta forums will be your main source for official news and announcements over the course of the beta test. We encourage you to check the forums regularly and to use them to provide us with feedback and to engage in general discussions about the game with your fellow players. If you ever need help or technical assistance, the Blizzard support website now includes a StarCraft II beta-test section.

We are looking forward to receiving your comments, feedback, and suggestions on StarCraft II and the new; let us know what you think via the "Feedback" forums.

Thank you for helping us test StarCraft II. Your participation and feedback is important to us, and will help us make StarCraft II one of the most epic entertainment experiences...ever.
Have a Great Quest,
Jim...aka King Jim

He can do more for Others, Who has done most with Himself.

Messages In This Thread
The StarCraft® II beta is coming! - by Jim - 02-20-2010, 06:21 AM
The StarCraft® II beta is coming! - by Treesh - 02-20-2010, 08:53 AM
The StarCraft® II beta is coming! - by Jim - 02-20-2010, 10:35 AM
The StarCraft® II beta is coming! - by Jim - 02-25-2010, 01:49 AM

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