01-02-2010, 01:33 AM
Quote:I used it a few times and I must say, it is awesome!.... As long as you're a level 80 healer.
Tried it with my level 70 dps shaman: 1,5 hours wait. Then the group disbanded within 5 mins.
Tried it with my 80 druid as dps: 15 mins wait.
Tried it with my 80 healer druid: instamatch.
Maybe with the next expansion more people will be available at the lower levels.
I think most of the long queue times start around the time you are hitting Northrend content. I've found the random dungeon to be a great leveling tool so far. I've been fooling around with a hunter the last two weeks and after hitting level 15 the dungeon tool opens up. From 15 to 34 now I've been able to get into a dungeon with wait times about 15-20 minutes which works out great for doing a few quests while waiting for the dungeon to open up. So far I've only had one bad run which was Gnomeregan and that involved the mage who was hitting stuff with his staff: "You guys have this under control, I'll save my mana for bosses." and the warrior who wasn't really a tank but stepped in after our queued tank dropped group the second it formed. Still we made it to the final hallway before the wipe and tallied up nearly half a level worth of XP so I wouldn't call it totally worthless.