12-16-2009, 12:34 AM
Quote:The simple solution to whether something gets DE'd or not is to just Need it. Need is higher on the order than Greed and DE, thus if you want to save it, Need it, you can always pass it to the enchanter later and DE it if you realize it's not as good as it seemed.
That works, EXCEPT, that the system will not allow you to need on ALL items. To prevent Ninja looting, the NEED button is disabled at times. This is the problem that Conc's referring to, when a leather item drops and the only person who wants it is the Plate wearing person and the system for whatever reason decides he can't NEED the item, then the DE/GREED rolls happen and someone who picked DE wins the item and gets a crystal.
I've seen it happen to a PuG hunter wearing leather SP item, a Leather AP item drops and he can't NEED the item and it ends up DE'd in someones bag.