This man should not be allowed near nuclear weapons!
Quote:Interventionism is the crux of progressive foreign policy.
And what, Nixon, Reagan and Bush I (to say nothing of Dubya) just sat back and let the world run its course without interference? You're correct that Democrats are more interventionist than their image, but the other party is no better.

Quote:Now we see that the President Obama, when actually given the job of deciding peace or war, acts according to the pragmatic reality of a commander in chief and reveals the ideological nonsense spewed by Senator Obama used to garner votes.
What did Senator Obama say? If I recall his campaign correctly, he had two basic positions on America's current wars: Iraq was a bad choice, that needs to end, and Afghanistan was an important fight that must be fought and won. Sounds more or less like what he's saying these days, although the facts on the ground make things a touch more complicated.

Quote:I am more troubled by the use of US military force to accomplish humanitarian, or political goals.
All military goals are, in the end, political goals.

Quote:We stray and risk straying toward becoming akin to the empires that we stood against in our very foundation.
Aren't you already?


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This man should not be allowed near nuclear weapons! - by Jester - 12-12-2009, 10:33 PM

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