There needs to be a discussion about Torchlight
Quote:As far as Arrow Hail goes, I haven't used it much but the times I have there has been no issue with hitting things regardless of elevation differences. The only issue I have had is with it is efficiency compared to Explosive Shot (aka. I-WIN!).

I find Arrow Hail to be a much better investment for my play style. I use Ricochet as my main left button attack and Arrow Hail as my right button attack, summon zombies on both myself and my pet and when they get in a tangle with a big group of baddies layer 3 or 4 Arrow Hails over the group and Richochet through them. I destroyed the final boss by just staying near the stairs into the level and spamming Arrow Hail over him. I will say that using this strategy relies much more on putting points into the "magic mastery" ability to regain mana per second. 10 points in that and you can pretty much just spam your abilities and never use a mana pot. Edit: my Richochet on my old Vanquisher would crit about 50% of the time for 8k damage and the Arrow Hail would generally hit for about 2000 on all enemies effected per hit.

Quote:An item can be heirloomed (iirc) 10 times, each time grants a percentile bonus to every effect the item has.

Note that the Shadow Vault will scale enemies to the character doing it, so you'll get level apropriate drops which may or may not work out well for your collection.

I decided to retire my first Vanquisher the other night and not only does the weapon gain upgraded stats but it's requirements are lowered. My new Vanquisher has invested all her initial points into the ranged mastery and will be able to use the 600+ dps gun at level 12. If I were to Heirloom the same gun more I'll eventually be able to use it pretty much off a fresh character.

Another benefit of retiring your character is that for each time you retire the character down the chain the new character will start with 1 additional skill point from scratch. I will probably make a point to retire my Vanquishers at the earliest point possible in the future.

Messages In This Thread
There needs to be a discussion about Torchlight - by Chesspiece_face - 11-23-2009, 11:52 PM

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