07-02-2003, 04:13 AM
We have yet to see what monster life bars look like. That damage may well be on par with current "time taken to kill this thing" numbers. ;)
OTOH you could look at that Prayer screenie for a comparison against something we'd expect to remain consistant with 1.09d. At a glance I make that out to exceed 350 life healed per shot and I don't expect character life bars to change much with 1.10. For me that figure would mean many of my characters would have full healing in around three shots with such a support Paladin backing me up . . . :blink:
Makes for some rather interesting boss fight and team dueling possibilties methinks.
But now consider how Prayer might be upgraded to compete with that. As it stands my Prayer specialist can currently generate 21 levels of Prayer for 7.33 life healed per second to all friendlies within range. After acknowledging that a comparative new figure should be significantly smaller because of being a multi-recipient skill, I still come to the conclusion that Prayer should be capable of doing 10 times its current figure figure to even remain situationally competitive. Further speculation gets me thinking about Prayer, plus a sustained barage of Holy Bolt and also support from my character's Prayer merc, at which point Sirian's gap rants start looking pretty clear. :blink:
Now I want a screenie of Prayer too. :unsure:
OTOH you could look at that Prayer screenie for a comparison against something we'd expect to remain consistant with 1.09d. At a glance I make that out to exceed 350 life healed per shot and I don't expect character life bars to change much with 1.10. For me that figure would mean many of my characters would have full healing in around three shots with such a support Paladin backing me up . . . :blink:
Makes for some rather interesting boss fight and team dueling possibilties methinks.
But now consider how Prayer might be upgraded to compete with that. As it stands my Prayer specialist can currently generate 21 levels of Prayer for 7.33 life healed per second to all friendlies within range. After acknowledging that a comparative new figure should be significantly smaller because of being a multi-recipient skill, I still come to the conclusion that Prayer should be capable of doing 10 times its current figure figure to even remain situationally competitive. Further speculation gets me thinking about Prayer, plus a sustained barage of Holy Bolt and also support from my character's Prayer merc, at which point Sirian's gap rants start looking pretty clear. :blink:
Now I want a screenie of Prayer too. :unsure:
Heed the Song of Battle and Unsheath the Blades of War